
Latest Notices

  • Notices Sunday 9th Feb 2025

    Sunday Services 9th Feb 2025

    10.00am CBC@Neston

    Adam will bring the Word from 1 Sam 21 & 22. Music will be led by Adrian & Jo and intercessory prayers by Michael P. Click here to join on Zoom. Meeting ID: 898 5058 9845 Passcode: 563996.

    10.30am CBC@Priory St

    John P will bring the Word from Luke 7:1-10. Music will be led by Josh and intercessory prayers by Gill. The service will be streamed online click here to join.

    If you prefer not to appear on the live stream/recording at Priory Street, you’re advised to sit in or under the balcony.

     “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ,
    God forgave you.”
    Ephesians 4:32

    Church meeting – Mon 10th Feb, 7.30pm

    Our next Church Meeting is this Monday 10th February. Please note the time change to an earlier 7.30pm.
    Both members and regular attendees welcome. This meeting will also contain our Elder elections and will be streamed online here.
    * You can view the agenda here
    * You can view the minutes from the previous meetings (the last regular CM and subsequent Rudloe CC meetings) here
    * You can view the facilitation report here
    * You can view the finance report here

    In light of reducing paper wastage and printing costs, we are encouraging people to use the links above to view the documents. A small number of printed copies will be available on the night.

    Lost Property! One more week to claim!

    We have a number of items that are looking to be reunited with their owners! We have laid them on the table just inside the entrance foyer at Priory Street. We will keep here until 14th Feb before we take to the charity shop. If you recognise any of the items in this photo please email the office ( or collect from PS.

    Prayer walk around Corsham – Sat 8th Feb, 8.30am

    We’d love you to join us on a prayer walk around Corsham tomorrow morning. We’ll set off from Priory Street at 8.30am.

    Teaching in Mission webinar

    Did you know that 20% of parents have to leave the mission field due to the educational needs of their children?  Are you a teacher with a passion for mission and a desire to see if God is calling you to serve on the mission field?  On Saturday 8th March Africa Inland Mission is hosting a Teaching in Mission webinar to explore what opportunities there are to serve through teaching.  Click the link to find out more and to book.

    CBC@Neston Streaming update

    CBC@Neston will shortly be switching to YouTube for streaming. The Neston YouTube stream will be unlisted so it will not be possible to find it on YouTube except by following the provided link. The Neston streams will be deleted after approximately 1 week but will be available by using the link in the notices up to that time.

    Hang outs – Sun 9th Feb, 4pm

    Dear Key Stage 2 parents/guardians, please send your KS2 children along to Priory Street on Sunday (4:00-5:30pm) for fun, food & fellowship. Any questions, please speak to Rhiannon for more information.

    Mission focus, evening service on Sun 9th Feb, 6pm

    We’re all agreed that the message of the glorious gospel needs to be proclaimed amongst all peoples and all nations. Jesus himself gave us our mandate to get involved in reaching the nations; that’s our commission and our task as a body of believers. As the church seeks to reach the lost overseas, what mission projects are CBC involved in? As we head into a new year and begin our series of monthly mission-focussed Sunday services, our first meeting will be led by Steve Lancaster who heads up the work of “The Word for the World” (TWFTW) Bible Translators here in the UK. Come prepared to be encouraged, inspired and challenged as he looks at the ongoing need for Bible translation around the world. TWFTW UK Website

    Men’s Ministry Night for 2025- Tues 11th Feb, 7:30pm

    Please click here to sign up for the event taking place at CBC@Priory Street

    Haven parent support group for ADHD and Autism – Wed 12th Feb, 9.30am

    February’s dates are Wed 12th Feb 9.30am and the evening session is on Tuesday 25th Feb 7-9pm

    Holiday Bible Club – Mon Feb 17th – Thurs Feb 20th

    Book your free tickets here or use the sign up sheets at the back of church

    Save the date: Induction service Sat 1st March, 2pm

    We’d love you to join us as we celebrate together, the induction of our new Senior Pastor Gary Woodall here at Priory Street on Saturday 1st March. Everyone welcome!

    Hangout helpers needed

    Rhiannon needs help in the kitchen for Hangout. If you are able to volunteer to cook pizzas/sausages/ chips for the children please get in touch  Dates needed Feb 9th and March 9th.

    Youth summer camp – drivers and donors needed – 2nd – 7th Aug

    We are in a privileged position to see so many young people attending youth group. We have much to thank God for, however this brings along challenges. This summer we would like to take every young person on summer camp who wants to go. To that end, if you are in a position to offer youth help by funding a young person who is in financial difficulty, or drive some young people either to Stafford on Sat 2nd Aug or back to Corsham on Thurs 7th Aug, then please get in touch with Dan. Thanks for your consideration 

    Health & Safety Ministry Leader

    Could you take on this role? Click here to read the role description and if you’re interested in helping in this way, please speak to Jonny Street or any of the trustees. 

    Junior Church teachers

    We are urgently looking for two more teachers to join the Junior Church team to support the important ministry and share the Gospel and your love of Jesus with our church children. If this is something you can consider, please follow this link.

    Safeguarding at CBC

    Should you have any safeguarding concerns, no matter how small, please contact the safeguarding team at – you can find the full safeguarding policy here.

    • Prayer for Missions & the Persecuted Church: the first Tuesday of every month, 8pm on Zoom. Contact the office for login details.
    • FLAGS (Fun Learning About God and Scripture): Wednesdays at 4.30-5.30pm during term time. For Primary School-aged children.
    • Women’s Bible Study: we meet once a month, usually on a Monday evening at 7.30pm, but the dates change so please check the notices for the current month! We’d love to have you join us!
    • Souper Friday Café: Friday mornings from 10am-1pm. Come and enjoy a free drink, cake and soup. Open for help with food items to take away too. Speak to Colin, Carol G, Brenda or Paul G for more information.
    • Toddlers: Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am during term-time only.
    • Life groups meet in person and/or online. Contact us if you’d like to join one.
    • Youth Groups – contact Dan for further details.

    Please send items for next week’s notices to by 12 noon on Thursday.