Latest Notices
- Notices Sunday 8th Sept 2024
Notices for Sunday 8th September
Quick links: Focus on Mission | Midweek service | FLAGS | Ladies meal | Regular activities | Calendar
Sunday Services
10.00am CBC@Neston
John P will bring the Word from 1 Samuel 1: 1–28, music will be led by Ian and Anne, and intercessory prayers by Dave M. Click here to join on Zoom. Meeting ID 838 7666 9360 Passcode 563996.
10.30am CBC@Priory St
Dan O will bring the Word from Luke 2: 41-52. Music will be led by Mike P and intercessory prayers by Paul K. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.
If you prefer not to appear on the live stream/recording at Priory Street, you’re advised to sit in or under the balcony.
We will share communion together during the Sunday morning services.
Prayer walk around Neston – Saturday morning
Please join us on a prayer walk for Neston tomorrow morning. We’ll set off from the Memorial Hall, SN13 9SN, at 8.30am.
Focus on Mission – Sunday evening
Please join us on Sunday evening at 6pm. We’re looking forward to hearing from our guest speaker, Hannah J, a missionary who has spent the last couple of years serving with AIM in a rural village in Tanzania. Nancy will lead us in a short time of worship first, and then Hannah will share about the blessings and challenges of life on the mission field, how God led her into mission and maybe a few ‘wow!’ stories too.
Midweek service – Weds 11th Sept
We would love to see you at the midweek service next Wednesday at 2pm. David M will bring a message from Luke 12: 13-21 and we’ll enjoy homemade cakes, tea, coffee and a great time of fellowship after the service.
FLAGS returns!
Rhiannon is back to work so FLAGS (Fun Learning About God and Scripture) will resume on Wednesday 11th September at 4.30-5.30pm at Priory Street. FLAGS is for children of primary school age and our time together will include crafts, a Bible story, snacks and social time. Please contact Rhiannon if you would like to know more – or 07579 062921.
Priory Street Junior Church classes
Dear parents/guardians of children in Junior Church, the classes for the new academic year Sept ’24 – Aug ’25 are as follows:
Creche: 0-Pre-school (Leader: Lucy E) – meet in the back room.
Ignited: Rec-Y2 (Class Leader: Abi B) – meet in the coffee hall.
Beacons: Y3&Y4 (Class leader: Wendy R) – meet in the ‘sofa’ side of the hut.
Ablaze: Y5-Y6 (Class leader: Steve B) – meet in the ‘classroom’ side of the hut.‘Moving-up-day’ will be this coming Sunday, so if you have any questions or information you would like to pass on to the Junior Church team, please speak to the class leader of the relevant group, or Vicki K. Additionally, if you would like to be added to the parents email/WhatsApp group to receive updates and messages, please contact Thank you.
Women’s Ministry meal
The new season of Women’s Bible studies is kicking off! You are warmly invited to join us at Priory Street for our first event, on 30th September at 7.30pm. We’ll start with a lush lasagne dinner all together and then satisfy our spirits with a taster of Hosea! It will be a fantastic night for the women of CBC to kick off our journey through this small, but rather stunning book. Please bring a £5 donation with you on the night towards the cost of the meal, and, to reserve your place, sign up here. For those not online, there will be a physical sign-up sheet at Priory Street, or contact
From the Elders
The Elders, on behalf of all at CBC, would like to thank Ruth for her fantastic work in helping CBC to run so smoothly over the last few years. Today (Friday) is her last day in the church office, sad for CBC but exciting for Dreamland Mission as Ruth moves to helping this amazing organisation support a rural community in Kenya. Ruth, we are so grateful for all that you have done and pray for every blessing in your new venture.
Open Doors petition
Christian leaders across sub-Saharan Africa are calling on the global Church to stand with them against violent persecution. Violence has escalated to alarming levels yet, as Nigerian pastor Barnabas says, ‘No-one is talking about.’ Please watch this video on the Open Doors website about the reality and scale of the issue. The African church is urgently calling for our support, our prayers and our voices – to make sure people are talking about it. There is a petition that you can sign at Priory Street, or sign online on the Open Doors website. Thank you.
Junior Church memory verse
This month’s memory verse is: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41: 10
Souper Friday events: 13th Sept
Our very own Debbie Riall will be hosting a Q&A during Souper Friday for parents or guardians of children with autism/ADHD. Come along at 10.30am for an informal time together in the creche room.
On the same Friday morning we’ll be welcoming Patrick Kaberia Muthaura, a Kenyan Fairtrade tea farmer, who is visiting Wiltshire. He’ll be popping in for a coffee and chat with whoever will be there between 11am-12pm. He’ll also be giving an illustrated talk at St Barts on Thursday 12th at 10.30am. There’s more information about him here.
Answers in Genesis day conference
The organisation Answers in Genesis is holding a day conference at Ladyfield Evangelical Church, Chippenham, on Saturday 28 September, 10.30am-4.00pm. The subject is ‘Understanding creation & more’ and will include presentations on creation, the flood, Adam and dinosaurs – connecting Genesis to the gospel. All are welcome (bring your own lunch).
Volunteer required – Designated Person for Safeguarding
We’re looking for a volunteer, ideally with the relevant experience, to work in the Safeguarding Team as DPS – click here to read the role description. Please get in touch with Elspeth Pitman on for further details or to express an interest.
Volunteer required – Health & Safety Ministry Leader
Could you take on this role? Click here to read the role description and if you’re interested in helping in this way, please speak to Jonny Street or any of the trustees.
Safeguarding at CBC
Should you have any safeguarding concerns, no matter how small, please contact the safeguarding team at – you can find the full safeguarding policy here.
And finally…..
Well done, you’ve read to the end of the notices! This is the final notices bulletin that I will produce before leaving my role as Church Administrator (today). Thank you for all your support over the last 3 years. I’m no longer the Admin, but I will still see you at church! 🙂 Ruth xx
Regular Activities
- Junior Church: volunteers are needed to enable this ministry to continue at our Sunday services. You don’t necessarily have to teach and it won’t be every Sunday. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. If you feel you can serve in this way, please complete the form here so that the necessary safeguarding checks can be done. If parents/guardians of children attending Priory St Junior Church would like to be added to the mailing list for Junior Church updates, please can you send an email to with the desired email address and who they are guardians for. Thank you.
- Prayer for Missions & the Persecuted Church: the first Tuesday of every month, 8pm on Zoom. Contact the office for login details.
- FLAGS (Fun Learning About God and Scripture): Wednesdays at 4.30-5.30pm during term time. For Primary School-aged children.
- Women’s Bible Study: we meet once a month, usually on a Monday evening at 7.30pm, but the dates change so please check the notices for the current month! We’d love to have you join us!
- Souper Friday Café: Friday mornings from 10am-1pm. Come and enjoy a free drink, cake and soup. Open for help with food items to take away too. Speak to Colin, Carol G, Brenda or Paul G for more information.
- Ark Children’s Service: last Saturday of the month 10:30am-12:00pm during term-time only.
- Toddlers: Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am during term-time only.
- Life groups meet in person and/or online. Contact us if you’d like to join one.
- Youth Groups – contact Dan for further details.
Please send items for next week’s notices to by 12 noon on Wednesday.