Ladies’ Bible Study The next ladies’ bible study will be held on Monday 23rd February at 7.30pm. There are green sheets on the table at the back. If you would like to know more about these monthly meetings, please have a chat to Kathy or Anne.
Saturday morning prayer There is a prayer meeting every Saturday morning for the new work in Rudloe and for wider gospel expansion in Corsham. We meet in the hut at 8.30am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Ark The Ark is taking place again on Saturday, 28th February at 10am. Please speak to Rachel if you want to know more about this outreach activity to families with young children in the community.
WEC Prayer Day Saturday 21st March Everyone is welcome to attend all or part of this day, when we will be privileged to have David and Sue, experienced workers in the Middle East, as our main speakers. We are looking forward to an interesting and inspiring time of prayer and fellowship, starting at 10.00am with refreshments and finishing at 3.30pm. Gill would appreciate some help in serving teas/coffees at various times and two or three home made cakes. If anyone can help, please contact her. Thank you.
Message from our Pastor! If you have a real desire to be part of our church but are struggling to feel plugged in, here’s a link to a short article which Pastor Eddie recommends:
Life in the Lancs Lane Steve and Ruth, our missionaries in Tanzania, have compiled another interesting and information-packed newsletter for January. There are paper copies on the table at the back or you can visit their blog at
…This week…
Wednesday : Early morning prayer, 7.15am
Thursday : Mums ‘n Tots, 10am; Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion, 8.30am, The Hut; The Ark, 10am
Looking ahead…
4th March: Midweek service, 2pm
6th March: Women’s world day of prayer, St. Aldhelm’s, 7pm
7th March: Craft Group, 10am
9th March: Men’s curry night, 7pm
10th March: The Lunch Club, 12 noon
11th March: Prayer for Missions and Persecuted Church
18th March: Midweek service, 2pm
21st March: WEC Prayer Day at CBC – focus on the Middle East
22nd March: Nominations open for new deacons
28th March: The Ark, 10am
30th March: Ladies’ bible study, 7.30pm
1st April: Midweek service, 2pm
7th-10th April: Holiday Bible Club
18th April: Rob Durant induction service, 2pm Corsham Baptist Church, Priory Street