Rob and Sharon Durant
We thank God that Rob and Sharon have moved and are now living in Rudloe! Please continue to pray for them, as a family, and for the new congregation as they reach into the community at Rudloe. We give thanks to God that both children are now placed in the local primary school and will start on Monday 13th April.
Rob’s induction service as a pastor at Corsham Baptist Church will be held at Priory Street on Saturday 18th April at 2pm. The formal service will be followed by tea/coffee and cakes. Everyone is welcome to attend! Rob will preach his first sermon at Rudloe on Sunday 19th April at 10.45am.
Leadership Elections
Nominations are open for the following leadership roles: Missions’ Deacon; Children’s Deacon; Elder (Alan Christie has indicated he is willing to stand for re-nomination). Role descriptions are on the leadership board in the coffee hall. Nomination forms, procedures and a leaflet on the Ministry of Elders and Deacons are on the table at the back. Nomination forms may be handed to Alan Kember or Michael Prior. Nominations will close at 10.45am on Sunday 5th April. Elections for these roles will be held at the church meeting on the 20th April.
9am and 11am Services
On 28th June, we will commence our two-service Sundays – one at 9am and the other at 11am. Alan Kember will be the elder overseeing the 9am service and Alan Christie will be overseeing the 11am service. Please talk to either Alan Kember or Alan Christie as you consider which service you would like to attend and serve at. Please note there will be junior church facilities at both services. Examples of areas of serving could be: junior church, worship, sound, projection, intercessory prayer and prayer ministry, greeting, money-counting, teas, communion setup, stewarding etc.
Ladies’ March Bible Study
The ladies’ bible study tomorrow night will include a curry! The cost will be £5 per head. Please sign up NOW! at the back so we know how many to cater for!
*** Epic Explorers Easter Holiday Club ***
This year’s holiday club (5-11 year olds) will run from Tuesday 7th April – Friday 10th April, 10am-12.30pm daily. Volunteers are needed to run this club, please pray about whether you would be able to help out in any way. The areas we need help with are set up, worship, sound desk, projector, team leaders and helpers, registration and set design. There is a sign up sheet at the back of church so please put your name down. Most importantly, please could you pray for this event, the children and people involved in this club. Parents can register their children on the days that they attend.
Wood at the Church
We have quite a lot of wood available around the church yard from all of the cutting back work that’s recently been done. A lot of it will burn very well like the ash, sycamore, and holly (if seasoned). You are welcome to come and help yourself to it if you burn wood at home. It would be great to see it all go and be used up rather than it just being stacked in various places around the yard. Chat to Paul Garcia or Steve Bryant if necessary.
Midweek Service
Our special Easter Service will be at 2pm on Wednesday 1st April and will be led by Eric Seager. It will include communion and follow the Easter account from the ‘Last Supper’ to the ‘Resurrection’ in Luke’s gospel, with appropriate hymns. The service will be followed by drinks and home-made cakes. All are welcome.
Craft Group
There will be no Craft Group in April as it is Easter, so the next one will be on Saturday 2nd May.
Easter Cards for the Persecuted Church
Vanessa Naish has organised for Easter cards to be sent to persecuted Christians around the world through Open Doors. Please take a card and write a message or scripture. You can either send the card yourself or leave it on the table for Vanessa to post to Open Doors. Heb. 13:3 ” Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.”
Good Friday, Walk of Witness, 3rd April
There will be a Good Friday service at Corsham Baptist Church at 9.30am on the 3rd April. This will be a quiet, reflective service with communion, after which people will be encouraged to join other worshippers in Corsham for the annual Walk of Witness down the High Street. This will commence at 10.30am and will finish with refreshments and hot cross buns at St. Aldhelm’s Church.
The Vicar of Baghdad
Canon Andrew White is the priest in-charge of one of the world’s most beleaguered churches and the hardships faced by him and his congregation are almost intolerable. However, the resilience and faith of the Christians in Baghdad are an inspiration to us all and in spite of the repression, prejudice and persecution there is real hope and belief in the salvation to be found in Christ which is shared by us all. The moving story of Canon Andrew White and his fellow Christians is told by the Rev. David Post in a one hour audio/visual presentation which reveals the challenges and difficulties of being a Christian in one of the most unstable countries in the world. Following his retirement, David visited St George’s Church, Baghdad and on his return to Britain he decided to travel the length and breadth of the country to highlight the work of the church to as many people as possible; his mode of transport is by bicycle. David will be telling their story at St. Bartholomew’s church, Corsham on Tuesday 14th April at 7.30pm. The evening is free and refreshments will be served during the event.
Ministry Reports
Would all ministry leaders and housegroup leaders write up a short report on the activity of their ministry to be included in the ministry report booklets which will be produced for the Annual Church Meeting on 20th April 2015. The report is for ministry done in 2014 and should cover what you’ve done, future work and prayer points. Please could these be emailed to Louise by Wednesday 8th April. Thank you very much.
Our Missionaries – Steve and Ruth Lancaster
Copies of the Lancaster newsletter for March are on the table at the back. Please take one and keep up to date with their activities and ministry in Tanzania. Their blog can be found at
…This week is half term…
Monday: Ladies’ bible study and curry evening, 7.30pm
No Mums’ bible study on Monday morning
Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am, Midweek service, 2pm
No Mums ‘n Tots on Thursday morning
Friday: Good Friday service at 9.30am followed by Walk of Witness in Corsham
Saturday: NO prayer for gospel expansion in the Hut
Looking ahead…
5th April: Nominations for leadership positions close, 10.45am
7th-10th April: Holiday Bible Club
8th April: Prayer for Missions and the Persecuted Church, 7.30pm
12th April: Baptism service, 10.45am
14th April: The Vicar of Baghdad presentation, 7.30pm, St. Bart’s
18th April: Rob Durant induction service, 2pm Corsham Baptist Church, Priory Street
20th April: Annual Church Meeting and Ordinary Church Meeting, 8pm