Compassion sponsors’ lunch – Sunday March 22nd
There will be a lunch following the Sunday morning service on 22nd March for all those who sponsor children through Compassion. After lunch a short video will be shown, followed by time to share ideas and pray for our sponsored children. Please sign the sheet at the back of church to help us with catering arrangements. For more information please see John & Rachael Loescher, or Roger & Hazel Hammett.
Men’s Curry Night
Ian Holmes is organising a men’s curry night Monday 9th March 7.30pm here at the church, £7.50. Please contact Ian if you would like to attend.
Epic Explorers Easter Holiday Club
This year’s holiday club (5-11 year olds) will run from Tuesday 7th April – Friday 10th April, 10am-12.30pm daily. Volunteers are needed to run this club, please pray about whether you would be able to help out in any way. The areas we need help with are set up, worship, sound desk, projector, team leaders and helpers, registration and set design. Please speak to Rhiannon if you have any questions. There is a sign up sheet at the back of church so please put your name down. If you can only help for an hour, please do so. Most importantly, please could you pray for this event, the children and people involved in this club. Thank you.
Prayer for missions and the persecuted church
The next meeting will be at CBC this Wednesday 11th March from 7.30 to 9.00pm. We will pray for our own missionaries, the Oasis Centre and those suffering for their faith. The country of the month is Saudi Arabia. Please note change of venue. All welcome – see Gill Bryant for further details.
Easter Cards for the Persecuted Church
Vanessa Naish has organised for Easter cards to be sent to persecuted Christians around the world through Open Doors. Please take a card and write a message or scripture. You can either send the card yourself or leave it on the table for Vanessa to post to Open Doors. Heb. 13:3 ” Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.”
The Lunch Club
The next Lunch Club event will take place Tuesday 10th March at 12 o’clock. This is a meal and talk for our seniors. If you would like more information about these lunches, please have a chat to Michael or Wendy.
CBC Cooking Rota
We would like to establish a short term cooking rota service for new families, people just discharged from hospital or any who would benefit from this. We are looking for volunteers to cook and help serve in this way. Please contact Mike B if you would like to receive this service or if you could join the team of volunteers.
The Vicar of Baghdad
Canon Andrew White is the priest in-charge of one of the world’s most beleaguered churches and the hardships faced by him and his congregation are almost intolerable. However, the resilience and faith of the Christians in Baghdad are an inspiration to us all and in spite of the repression, prejudice and persecution there is real hope and belief in the salvation to be found in Christ which is shared by us all. The moving story of Canon Andrew White and his fellow Christians is told by the Rev. David Post in a one hour audio/visual presentation which reveals the challenges and difficulties of being a Christian in one of the most unstable countries in the world. Following his retirement, David visited St George’s Church, Baghdad and on his return to Britain he decided to travel the length and breadth of the country to highlight the work of the church to as many people as possible; his mode of transport is by bicycle. David will be telling their story at St. Bartholomew’s church, Corsham on Tuesday 14th April at 7.30pm. The evening is free and refreshments will be served during the event.
Ministry Reports
Would all ministry leaders and housegroup leaders write up a short report on the activity of their ministry to be included in the ministry report booklets which will be produced for the Annual Church Meeting on 20th April 2015. The report is for ministry done in 2014 and should cover what you’ve done, future work and prayer points. Please could these be emailed to Louise by Wednesday 8th April. Thank you very much.
Saturday morning prayer
There is a prayer meeting every Saturday morning for the new work in Rudloe and for wider gospel expansion in Corsham. We meet in the hut at 8.30am. Everyone is welcome.
Paul Lobley has been thanked for the contribution of used stamps he has sent to BMS stamp bureau, so thank you to all who have given. Please keep them coming in!
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am; Men’s curry night, 7.30pm
Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am; Prayer for Missions and the Persecuted Church, 7.30pm
Thursday: Mums ‘n Tots, 10am; Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion, 8.30am, The Hut;
Looking ahead…
18th March: Midweek service, 2pm
21st March: WEC Prayer Day at CBC – focus on the Middle East
22nd March: Nominations open for new deacons
28th March: The Ark, 10am
30th March: Ladies’ bible study, 7.30pm
1st April: Midweek service, 2pm
3rd April: Good Friday service at 9am followed by Walk of Witness in Corsham
7th-10th April: Holiday Bible Club
12th April: Baptism service, 10.45am
14th April: The Vicar of Baghdad presentation, 7.30pm, St. Bart’s
18th April: Rob Durant induction service, 2pm Corsham Baptist Church, Priory Street
20th April: Annual Church Meeting