The leadership team at CBC have been responding in a number of ways to the Coronavirus measures. We are aware of the impact they are having on individuals as well as Church life. After prayerful consideration, we have decided that it would be appropriate, helpful and follow Biblical principles for us to set up a benevolent fund. The Fund is to support any members of our Church family who find themselves in financial need as a result of unavoidable changes in their circumstances. The purpose of the Fund is to assist with essentials such as food, heating, travel costs and other vital needs where the welfare system or other agencies cannot meet that need in a timely fashion. We want to look after our Church family in this very practical way as well as to care for them spiritually which is of course of paramount importance.
A Committee has been formed to administer the Fund with a representative to cover each of our main congregations.
- Rob P – 9.15 congregation
- Alan S – 11.15 congregation
- Alan C – Church on the Green
- Norman F – Mid Week service
- Roger H – Treasurer
How to apply
If you become aware of a brother or sister who you believe is in genuine need, then please mention this to one of your Congregational Leaders or your Life Group Leader, who will complete a simple application form and pass it on to the Committee. The Committee will meet weekly to consider applications. Once approved, Roger will contact individuals to arrange payment.
Consider if you can give
Last but not least, please consider if you are in a position to make a financial contribution towards getting this fund up and running. You can be a vital supporter of this practical ministry either as a one off payment or a regular amount. Due to the government movement restrictions we are not banking cash or cheques at the moment, so donations should ideally be made online. This can be by bank transfer or by setting up a Standing Order, in favour of the CBC Lloyds Account (details available from Roger or using the contact form) and referenced DES CV19 BEN FUND.
If you have already completed a Gift Aid declaration in favour of CBC, then we will recover gift aid automatically, unless you advise us otherwise.
Roger (contact details in the directory) would be pleased to help resolve any questions that you may have, as well as help with setting up new Gift Aid declarations for UK taxpayers.
Finally, once the crisis is over and the fund is no longer needed, any remaining funds will be transferred into the general church fund.