Newsletter 2nd November 2014

Newsletter 2nd November 2014

Midweek Service

The next midweek service will be on Wednesday, 5th November, from 2-3pm. Eric will lead and preach and the text will be Luke 8.22-25. There will be communion.


The next TLC meeting will take place at the church on Tuesday 11th November at 12 noon. Please speak to Michael or Wendy if you would like more information about these lunches for our seniors.

Questions and Cake!

Vicky is organising some dates when housegroups will get together over “questions and cake”. The dates are:

Tuesday 18th November; Thursday 4th December; Wednesday 14th January 

7.45pm start and 9.15pm finish. Please speak to Vicky for more details.

Missions and Persecuted Church Prayer

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 12th November at 7.30pm at the Hammetts’ home.  We will pray for our own missionaries, the Oasis Centre and the country of the month, Morocco.  All welcome – see Gill for further info.

Persecuted Church Sunday 16th November

On 16th November we will be focusing on praying for and thinking about the persecuted church. A representative from SAT 7 will be our speaker in the evening service.  We will be serving tea, coffee and cakes at around 5.15 to welcome Jenny and give an opportunity for people to meet her informally before the service.  All welcome.  See Gill for further information.

Prayer Meeting

We are continuing with our regular prayer meetings for gospel expansion in Corsham and surrounding areas. The meetings take place in The Hut from 8.30-9.30am on Saturday mornings. We would encourage people to attend this prayer meeting and everyone is welcome!

Areas to serve in at Priory Street

As was highlighted at the start of the plant process, we are now in need of further people to step up and fill roles in the following areas here at Priory Street as there are several gaps in rotas. In light of the recent survey, please would you prayerfully consider in what areas of church life you might be able to serve. Please contact Louise or the Ministry Leader to indicate your willingness to serve in any of these ministries.

  • Junior Church / Youth
  • Sound/PA (see specific notice)
  • Projection
  • Teas/coffees
  • Worship
  • Door greeting
  • Catering
  • Pastoral (see specific notice)


Specific pastoral help needed

Sara Taylor has worked hard co-ordinating meals for new families but she is no longer able to continue with this responsibility and so we are now looking for someone to take over. It would also be good to update our list of those willing to cook meals for new families. If you can help, please contact Joan or Louise.


As Matt is going to the Rudloe congregation and a few people have recently come off the rota, we have an urgent need for more people to help out on the PA / sound desk rota. If anyone is interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Matt Grylls.

This week:

Monday: Prayer for the Ebola virus, 8-9pm

Wednesday: Morning prayer, 7.15am; Midweek service, 2pm

Thursday: Mums ‘n Tots, 10am; Debt Advice Centre 7.30pm

Friday: Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am

Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion in and around Corsham, 8.30am

Sunday: Remembrance Sunday

Upcoming dates in brief:

11th Nov: The Lunch Club, 12 noon

12th Nov: Persecuted Church prayer, 7.30pm

16th Nov: Persecuted Church Sunday meet Jenny Thomas from SAT 7, at 5.15pm

18th Nov: Questions and cake: housegroups’ meeting, 7.45pm

19th Nov: Midweek service, 2pm

24th Nov: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm

29th Nov: The Ark, 10am