Newsletter for 11th October 2015

Newsletter for 11th October 2015

Church Meeting

At the Church Meeting on Monday night the following people were welcomed into membership at CBC : Mark Lilley and Alexa & David Simm.

We would also like to welcome Martin Sheringham onto the leadership as our new Fabric Deacon.

Tanzania Mission Trip

CBC is sending a team to serve at a conference of AIM missionaries in Tanzania. They depart tomorrow! They return on the 20th October. The team consists of Eddie and Kathy Larkman, Rhiannon Price, Elspeth Pitman, Joey and Emily Pillinger, Katharine Mortimer, Ben Ross and Rob Durant. Eddie and Kathy will stay on to visit Steve and Ruth Lancaster at their home and work in Morogoro, returning 23rd October. Please pray for a fresh anointing of God’s Spirit for all involved in this conference.

“Grace Place”

There is a new blog which has recently been launched called “GRACE PLACE.” The website is  This is geared toward women of all ages in our two communities of CBC, Rudloe and beyond.  Take a look and find out who the contributors are! Grab a cuppa and take a look! Find out what Sharon writes about in her first blog. You’ll never guess!


‘Connected’ is a new group designed to give busy parents an opportunity to get together to relax, have fun, share a meal and develop their relationships with Christian brothers and sisters, without the distraction of children! This is more than just a social; it’s about building each other up in Christ to be a light in our busy worlds and to encourage each others’ families to stay faithful to Christ in our increasingly secular society. We plan to meet once a month on a Saturday evening. Our first meeting is taking place on Saturday 14th November at Priory Street, 6-11pm. So, if you’d like to join us, speak to Tim or Beth Mills for more information.

Message from Oasis Centre, Austria

During the week the sum of 2634 euro was paid to Oasis. This is the response from Carol Halm…


Wow – thank you!  I’m just overwhelmed at the church’s generosity in support of us, and best of all, I know that the church prays for us. Please communicate our thanks to the church!


Life Group and Future Life Group Leaders’ Day

This is taking place on Saturday 14th November from 9.30-1pm at the church. Please discuss with Vicky if you are interested.

Annual Light Party

We will be holding our Light Party on October 31st ​from 5-7pm.  There will be singing, games, crafts, snacks, puppets and lots of fun.  This is an event for 4 to 11 year olds (all primary school children). If you are able to help with this event, please sign up on the sheet at the back of church.  Areas we particularly need help with are: Set up and Set down – moving chairs on Sunday 25th October (after the evening service) and again after the event (7.30pm on 31st) and a general tidy up. Catering – Judy Davies has done a fantastic job for many years on her own and this year we would love to have a team of caterers supporting her.  If you can bake please sign up and/or speak to Judy. Helping on the evening – group leaders. games co-ordinator, welcome team, registration team, face painting and worship bandDo you have any fairy lights that we could borrow? We also need clean jam jars with lids, preferably smaller jars but any will do (please include lids).  If so, please name them and leave them in the church office or give them to Rhiannon.

Mission Prayer Meeting

This will take place at 8:00pm on Wednesday 14th October at Priory Street and everyone is welcome to attend. The Chippenham House group will be attending. Please contact Wendy Rowe, our Missions’ Deacon, for more information.


Our October TLC event for seniors is happening this Tuesday at 12 o’clock. A 3-course meal is served, followed by a talk. Please speak to Michael or Wendy Prior if you would like further information.

Youth Weekend away – Drivers needed!!

In less than two weeks’ time Dan will be taking a group of about 35 people to our annual youth weekend away. However, in order to make this youth trip possible we need your help! We are in need of  a couple individuals willing to drive young people to and/or from Chepstow on Friday afternoon 23rd October (We meet at Corsham Baptist Church to load up and go at 4pm)  / Sunday afternoon 25th October (Arriving at the centre at approx 3pm to bring young people back to Corsham). If you can assist in regards to this, please let Dan Ovens know. Thanks.

Youth Service – Sunday 18th October, 6pm

Next Sunday evening, the young people will be hosting a joint youth service at CBC. This event will be hosted by young people for young people, and will include a mix of refreshments, testimony, worship and teaching. Josh Holmes will host the service, four of our young people will be sharing testimony/ biblical reflections, and Matthew Little will be introducing a time of creative response. Please pray for the young people as they prepare, and meet at this event. As a result there will be no evening service held at CBC next Sunday.

…This Week…

Monday: Mums’ Bible Study, 10am; missions’ team departs for Tanzania

Tuesday: TLC, 12 noon

Wednesday: Missions Prayer, 8pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm

Friday: Corsham Money Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am

Saturday: Prayer in the Hut, 8.30am

…Coming up…

18th October: Special evening youth service, 6pm @ CBC (Bible Sunday at Gastard Church 6pm)

21st October: Midweek service, 2pm

23rd-25th October: Youth weekend away

26th October: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm

31st October: The Ark, 10am; The Light Party, 5-7pm

1st November: Evening prayer meeting

4th November: Midweek service, 2pm

10th November: TLC, 12 o’clock

14th November: Life Group leaders’ day, 9am; Craft Group, 10am; “Connected”, 6-11pm

18th November: Midweek service, 2pm

28th November: The Ark, 10am