Church Meeting
The first Church Meeting of 2016 will take place tomorrow night Monday 18th January at 8pm. The agenda and minutes of the previous meeting are on the table at the back. Please take a copy and read before the meeting.
Giving to CBC: blue envelope scheme
Blue Offering envelopes for 2016 are available from our treasurer, Michael Prior. If you like to give weekly to CBC by cash or cheque, one way of doing so is by putting a blue envelope into the offering bag, with your offering in it. These envelopes are dated weekly and have a reference number on them. The reference number is particularly useful if you are a Gift-Aid giver, as the number enables the treasurer to identify you when claiming the gift-aid.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
This will take place from 18–24th January 2016. A list of venues and times is on the sheet on the table at the back of the church.
This month’s Connected gathering will take place at Sarah & Mike’s home at 8pm on Saturday 30th January. Mike will be cooking, so please just bring some refreshments. Please let the Blaikleys know if you are coming by Sunday 24th. Chat to Beth for more info on these get-togethers.
Fancy a fortnight in June building in Tanzania?
We are planning a mission trip to Tanzania towards the end of June this year (provisional dates 20th June – 4th July) to assist with an (AIM) Africa Inland Mission building project in Morogoro near where Steve and Ruth Lancaster are currently serving. The proposal is to assist with the completion of 2 or 3 simple stone huts that will provide accommodation at a retreat centre used for conferences. Before these plans can be developed we need to advise the team in Tanzania how many of us could go so they can plan a suitable package of work for us. If you are interested you are invited to attend a briefing at CBC after the evening service on Sunday 24th January. It would be great if we can send a team of 10-15 to really make an impact on this project. Any further questions, speak to Stuart Little or Martin Sheringham.
Midweek Service
The next midweek service will be held on Wednesday 20th January at 2pm followed by tea and cake. The texts will be Luke 17.11-19 and 18.35-43. Eric Seager will be leading the service and David Morrell will be preaching.
Grace Place
Please check out GRACE PLACE! Kathy poses a question and needs your feedback! Thank you!
The Ark
Happy New year to all our Ark helpers and attendees! The new term starts on Saturday 30th January at 10.00am and we would love to see you all for fun, wonderful crafts, amazing puppets, bible stories and songs, and all rounded off with cake and friendship. Aimed at children primarily 0-7 but all very welcome. Do come, and bring a friend if you like! (and if you are keen to support us but can’t come, please pray – we need it!) For any further details, please speak to Alexa Simm or Heather Chilcott.
Ladies’ Bible Study
Our next women’s bible study will take place on Monday 25th January, starting at 7.30pm. The studies are led by Kathy Larkman and Anne Holmes. The notes for the study are on the table at the back of the church.
This week at CBC…
Monday: Mum’s bible study, 10am; Church Meeting, 8pm
Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am; Midweek service, 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm
Friday: Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am
Saturday: Prayer for Corsham and Gospel expansion, The Hut, 9.30am
There are now approximately 14 life groups that meet during the week in and around Corsham! Speak to Vicky Stephenson if you would like to join a group.
Looking ahead…
25th January: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm
30th January: The Ark, 10am
30th January: Connected @ 8pm
3rd February: Midweek Service, 2pm
6th February: Craft Club, 10am
7th February: Evening service, prayer meeting
9th February: The Lunch Club, 12 o’clock
17th February: Midweek Service, 2pm
22nd February: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm
27th February: The Ark, 10am