Newsletter for 24th April 2016

Newsletter for 24th April 2016

Annual Church Meeting

At the ACM held on Monday night, the following elections took place: Worship Deacon – Matt Grylls; Elder – Adrian Pillinger; Treasurer w.e.f. Sept 2016 – Roger Hammett. The following people were brought into membership of CBC: Ben and Ruth Fry; John and Nathalie Prior; Jeff and Alison Smith.

Church on the Green

At the Church Meeting it was also announced that the name of our Rudloe plant is now officially “Church on the Green” (part of Corsham Baptist Church).

** Ladies’ Supper @ Priory Street **

Monday 16th May, 7:30pm; Guest Speaker – Ruth Lancaster; Cost approx £5 for food

Big Church Day Out or New Wine for free?

If you are interested in being part of either of these events, then we are looking for lots of volunteers to help in a café at BCDO (late May) and NW1 (late July) and NW2 (early August).  This is just serving cake & coffee, no baking involved! You get a free ticket, three meals a day, training and uniform.  For details, please contact Susan Wingrave on

Ladies’ Bible Study

The next ladies’ bible study will be tomorrow, Monday 25th April at 7.30pm. Study sheets are at the back. All ladies welcome!

Christianity Explored

A new Christianity Explored course will be starting on Thursday 5th May. If you are interested in attending, or would like to know more, please contact Helen Christie or Elspeth Pitman.

James/Esther Wedding

A reminder that James King and Esther Cole are getting married on Saturday 30th April at 12:30pm at Priory Street.

Mean bean challenge 25-29th April

In this five day challenge, some of the young people will get a taste of what over a billion people in our world experience every day – the disaster of hunger. While we eat a mean diet of just rice, plain beans and water we will be aiming to raise money for Tearfund’s local church partners that will help families and communities for whom hunger is a daily reality. It would be great if you would sponsor us as we do this. To give, please see the sponsorship form at the back of church or visit

Barn Dance – 2 weeks’ time!!

The Barn Dance will be on Saturday 7th May at Selwyn Hall in Box. Doors open at 6:30pm. Food from 7pm. Dancing from 7:30-10pm!

There is a notice board at the back of the church with lists relating to the Barn Dance for people to sign up for bringing food and to help with the organisation. PLEASE SIGN UP!!!

Suggest that 9:15 service sign up for the setting up sessions and 11:15 service sign up for the clearing away at the end.

Food – if you have any food allergies, please make sure there is food you will be able to eat! There are various food lists so everyone should be able to bring something.

Organisation – there are lists of various teams. We need teams for setting up, a set up food team, hot drinks teams, kitchen and tidy-up-as-we-go-along volunteers and a clearing up team at the end.

Any questions please see Wendy Rowe or a member of the Leadership Team.

The Ark

The Ark will be meeting on Saturday 30th April at 10am. The event will be slightly different this time as we will be meeting in the back rooms and garden, reached by the side entrance – please pray for dry weather!  We will be doing the parable of the sower. Contact Heather Chilcott or Alexa Simm for more details.

Infant Dedication

There will be an infant dedication service next Sunday, 1st May, at 11:15am for James Prior, son of John and Nathalie Prior.

Looking ahead…

1st May : Prior infant dedication, 11.15am

1st May : Evening prayer meeting

4th May : Midweek service, 2pm

5th May : Christianity Explored starts

7th May : Barn Dance at Selwyn Hall, Box

10th May : Tuesday Lunch Club, 12 o’clock

16th May : Ladies’ Supper, 7:30pm

18th May : Midweek service, 2pm

23rd May : Missions’ Prayer meeting, 7:30pm

28th May : The Ark, 10:00am

1st June : Midweek Service, 2:00pm

4th June : Craft Club, 10:00am

5th June : Prayer meeting, 6pm

6th June : Missions’ Prayer meeting (focus on Muslim World – start of Ramadan)

14th June : Tuesday Lunch Club, 12 o’clock

15th June : Midweek Service, 2:00pm

This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am, the Hut; Ladies’ bible study, 7:30pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm

Friday: Corsham Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am

Saturday: Prayer in the Hut, 8:30am; the Ark, 10:00am; James’ and Esther’s wedding, 12:30pm Priory Street

There are 15 small groups that meet during the week in and around Corsham. Please contact Vicky if you would like to find out more about which group might suit you!

Whole church day out to Weston Super Mare – Sunday 17th July 2016

We intend to have a coach trip to Weston Super Mare on Sunday 17th July leaving Corsham at 10:30 and returning at about 18:30. Costs will be dependent upon numbers going but expect around £5 per seat. The intention will be to find a spot on the beach as a base for the day where we will hold a short time of worship together.  There will be opportunity to relax, catch up with old friends from the other congregations, play some games and have a wander around the seafront and, if you like, visit the pier.  You will need to bring a picnic lunch.  More details will emerge over the next few weeks but if you intend to go put a big red circle around the date in your calendar! Any questions please speak to Stuart or Lynne Little on 01225 811960.

Please note there will be a service at Priory Street on that morning for those who do not wish to go on this trip. The time of this service will be confirmed in due course.