Newsletter for Sunday 21st June, 2015

Newsletter for Sunday 21st June, 2015

Uganda Mission Trip

Tomorrow Eddie Larkman and the team are returning from their missions’ trip to Uganda. Please continue to pray for them.

Ladies’ Day 2015

This year our ladies’ day will be held at CBC Priory Street on Saturday 18th July starting at 10.30am and going through to late afternoon. There is a sign-up sheet on the back table so please write your name down! If you are only available for part of the day, please indicate whether you are intending to stay for lunch so we can cater accordingly. We are very happy to have Cath Swanson from AIM as our guest speaker for the day. Please speak to Anne Holmes or Kathy Larkman for more details about the day.

The Ark

The final Ark session before the summer break will take place this coming Saturday, 27th June, from 10.00-10.45am at Priory Street. This is an outreach to families with young children in the community and includes singing, puppets, a talk, refreshments etc. Please speak to Rachel Howlett if you would like to know more details.

Steph Grylls – Tearfund Trip Fundraiser

One of our young people, Stephanie Grylls, has been accepted onto a Tearfund ICS volunteering programme and will be going to Bangladesh on 27th September. She is holding a fundraising event, “Cream Teas for Bangladesh” afternoon on Saturday 27th June, 2.00-5:30pm at her home in Broughton Gifford.

Calling all New Musicians!!

If you can sing or play, and are interested in knowing what it means to serve with the worship team at CBC, please come along to our ‘Newbies’ Worship Evening’ on Monday 6th July from 8pm at Priory Street. Speak to Matt Grylls for more details.

Visiting Missionary – Nepal Evening

Sue Kemp is a missionary who has served with INF in Nepal for many years and will be visiting our Missions and Persecuted church meeting  on Wednesday 8th July. Sue was teaching Sunday school in Nepal when the earthquake struck last month and she will speak about her experiences on that day, and in the following weeks before she returned to UK for home leave.   Sue’s church in Pokhara is part of a “churches together” initiative which is now regularly taking aid up to devastated villages. It will be good to hear up to date news and to pray for the country of Nepal. Everyone is invited to this evening at Priory Street, 7.30pm.

Midweek Baptism Service I July

There will be a Service of Believer’s Baptism at 2pm on 1st July, when our sisters Jacquie Hayes and Roxy Gilbertson will be baptised by immersion. Eric Seager will be conducting the baptism and David Morrell will be preaching. Please pray for this service and come and bring your friends if you are able. Refreshments will be served afterwards.

Pray through Ramadan

This year Ramadan is from 18th June to 17th July. A booklet is available to help you pray for the Muslim world during this period. Please visit or speak to Gill Bryant for more information.

Deacon Nominations

Nominations for the positions of Missions Deacon and Pastoral Deacon will open on the 28th June. Voting will take place at the next Church Meeting on 20th July. Role descriptions are on the leadership board.

Oasis Centre, Vienna – please pray

The nearby Refugee Camp is so full at the moment with approximately 2800 refugees living there at present; 480 of this number being accommodated 8 to a tent as the building can hold no more. More and more are arriving every day. Please pray for the refugees living in such crowded conditions and for the staff who are struggling to cope

Family Day – Sunday 5th July

Our annual Family Day will be held at the Rudloe Community Centre this year on Sunday 5th July. There will be a bbq, bouncy castles, games etc. so please come along to Rudloe after the morning service. In order for the day to run smoothly, we will be needing help and there will be a sign up sheet next week.

Prayer Chain Revision Update

Please note that if you would like to join the prayer chain, or if you are already part of it and wish to remain part of it, you must fill in one of the forms at the back of the church and return it to Helen Christie or Margaret Seager by June 28th 2015.


…This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am

Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am

Thursday: Mums ‘n Tots, 10am; Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre 7.30pm

Friday: Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am

Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion, 8.30am; The Ark; Fundraiser for Steph Grylls’ trip to Bangladesh in Broughton Gifford, 2pm