Notice sheet 14th October 2018

Notice sheet 14th October 2018

Tanzania Mission Trip

The team, consisting of the following people, returns on Wednesday: Eddie and Kathy Larkman; Rhiannon and Tom Price; Rob Durant; Tim Stephenson; Megan Say; Julie King; Bex Larkman; Alan Homersley.  Eddie is delivering talks to the AIM missionaries, Alan is taking care of the youth work and Rhiannon Price and her team are leading the children’s work. Please pray specifically for travel and safety on the roads; activities – preaching, children and youth work; energy to do all this work and that the missionaries and children would be greatly blessed and refreshed by the visiting CBC team.

Missions and Persecuted Church prayer

This prayer meeting will take place tomorrow night, Monday 15th October, at 7:45pm at Priory Street. Please chat to Vanessa Naish or Wendy Rowe for more details.

The Ark

The next Ark is on Saturday 27th October at 10.00am at CBC Priory Street.  We will be thinking about light and hopefully making edible candles – you’ll have to come along and find out!!  Please PRAY for this session and particularly for attendance as it is during half term. Many thanks.

Fabric Deacon

The three-year term of our Fabric Deacon is coming to an end.  Martin Sheringham has indicated that he is willing to be nominated again. Nomination forms and rules are available on the table at the back.  Nominations close this evening at 6pm. The election will take place at the Church Meeting.

Church Meeting

Please note our next Church Meeting will take place on Monday 22nd October at 8pm.  Agenda and copies of the previous Church Meeting will be available on the table at the back of church next Sunday, 21st October.

WEBA Administrator

Looking for a part time job? The West of England Baptist Association, that CBC is part of, is looking for a part time Office Administrator at their office in Bristol. You can download the advert and application pack on the WEBA website.

WEBA Event

A day to inform leaders and members of churches, and to reflect on same sex attraction and how we can best support and reach those who are same sex attracted.  This event will take place at Clevedon Baptist Church on October 25th. Places (which include a sandwich lunch) cost £20 per person. Please visit more details.

Youth Weekend Away 26th-28th October – Help Needed!

We are looking to take a group of young people on our annual weekend away to a centre near Chepstow. To make this happen, we would really value practical help in the following ways:

(1) Individuals who are willing to help transport young people to and from the centre. We leave the church on Friday 26th at 4pm and leave the centre 3pm on Sunday 28th. If you can help please speak to Dan Ovens. (2) Please pray for the weekend-that young people will deepen their relationship with God and one another.

Light Party – Wednesday 31st October 5-7pm

Helpers are needed for this event.  Areas where you can help: pray for the event, team leaders, musicians, registration and sign out, baking, set up, set down.  Please speak to Rhiannon when she’s back if you would like more information. Thank you.

Women’s Bible Study

The next women’s bible study, continuing our study of Titus, will take place on Monday 29th October.  Study sheets are on the table at the back of the church.

2019 Africa Missions

A building trip to Sanga Sanga (spring 2019) and an AIM mission trip to Uganda (9th-16th August) are in the planning stages; expressions of interest should be made to the office or congregational leaders.

Lost Property

Some items of clothing etc.etc. have been collected throughout the building.  They have been placed on trolleys in the coffee hall. Please take what belongs to you.  All items will be disposed of if they are not claimed within a couple of weeks.

…This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am; Missions and Persecuted Church prayer, 7:45pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm

Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm;

… Looking ahead over the next days, weeks and months – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! …

22nd October: Church Meeting, 8pm

24th October: Midweek service, 2pm

26th-28th October: Youth Weekend away

27th October: The Ark, 10:00am

29th October: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm

30th October: Men’s bible study, (Jesus as Priest)

31st October: Light Party, 5-7pm

3rd November: Craft Club, 10am

7th November: Midweek service, 2pm

11th November: Remembrance Sunday

12th November: Fight Night, 8pm

19th November: Missions and Persecuted Church prayer, 7:45pm

21st November: Midweek service, 2pm

24th November: The Ark, 10am

25th November: Oscar Saunders’ dedication, 11:15am