Infant Dedication
This morning at the 9:15am service we are having an infant dedication service for Sebastian Blaikley, baby son of Mike and Sarah. We welcome their friends & family!
Building Mission Trip
Our building team leaves for Tanzania on Tuesday. We will be praying for them in the services today. Please pray for all aspects of their trip. They return 3rd July.
Des Ash
Many will know that our dear friend and brother, Des Ash, passed away last week. His funeral will be held at Station Road Baptist Church on Tuesday, 28 June, at 11am. Our thoughts and prayers are very much with Liz & the family at this sad time.
The Ark
The Last Ark of this academic year is on 25th June before we break for the summer. After that we won’t be meeting until 24th September. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us by praying, helping, and by coming – it is all much appreciated. Also thank you to God for his provision and faithfulness. This time we will be thinking about Elijah and how God provided for him.
Word Alive, 8-13 April 2017
Some people will be going to Word Alive in Wales again next year. If you would like more information, please speak to Helen Christie or Jo Pillinger (booking lines open on the 7th July).
Ladies’ Bible Study
The next ladies’ bible study is taking place on Monday 27th June at 7:30pm. Notes for the evening are on the table at the back (pink sheets) – The Way of Wisdom: Choices with a Gospel . Please take one to use with your study buddy. Any questions, please chat to Kathy Larkman or Anne Holmes.
Safe to Grow (Child Protection) Training
Saturday 17th September: 9 – 12.30pm @ CBC. For ALL involved in children’s and youth work in the Church, as part of new Baptist Union regulations. This includes helpers for the Ark, Junior Church, Toddler Group & Youth work activities. Please note the date in your diaries and confirm availability with Louise du Toit or Rhiannon Price. We can train 30 at a time, so once full we will arrange a second training date.
Weston Super Mare
Sunday 17th July 2016
We intend to have a coach trip to Weston Super Mare on Sunday 17th July leaving Corsham at 10:30am and returning at about 6:30pm. The cost is £5 per seat. There are now forms available at the back for you to fill in. Please enclose your payment and leave in the office. There will be a service at Priory Street on that morning for those not going on this trip. It will be at 11:15am and led by Eric Seager.
Leaders’ Meeting
The following leaders are meeting tonight, during the evening service, to discuss church issues and pray: Dan Ovens, Alan Kember, Rhiannon Price, Matt Grylls, Michael Prior and Eddie Larkman. Please pray for them as they meet. Thank you.
Cafe on the Green
Our Rudloe congregation, Church on the Green, is starting a new outreach ministry, Cafe on the Green! This will be held every Saturday afternoon from 2:30-4:30pm at the Centre when we hope to meet and get to know residents of the Rudloe community by way of tea/coffee, cake, board games and conversation! We will have our first cafe on Saturday 2nd July! ** Please pray for this new ministry. **
..This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am
Tuesday: Mission trip departs
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, “Energize”, 5:30-6:30pm
Saturday: Prayer @ 8:30am; the Ark, 10:00am
Looking ahead…
27th June: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm
29th June: Midweek service, 2pm
2nd July: Craft Club, 10am
3rd July: Evening prayer meeting, 6pm
9th July: Annual TLC Summer Party, 3:00pm
10th July: Mission Sunday & International Tea
13th July: Midweek Service, 2:00pm
17th July: Church day out to Weston
17th July: No evening service
27th July: Midweek service, 2:00pm
30th July: “Connected” @ the Spruijts’