Notice sheet 29th July 2018

Notice sheet 29th July 2018

Holiday Club Tues Aug 28th – Fri Aug 31st 10am – 12.30pm

This year will be a water-themed holiday club for primary school aged children.

“How can I help?” I hear you ask. There are sign up sheets at the back of church with many roles available including: registration team, refreshments team, team leaders and helpers, sound, projection, set  up and set down, please sign up! There are plenty flyers at the back so please take some for neighbours and friends and encourage them to come.  Above all, please pray.

Craft Club

The craft club will take place next Saturday, 4th August at 10am at Priory Street. Please speak to Pam Mitchell or Hazel Hammett for further details.

Life in the Lancs Lane

Steve and Ruth Lancaster, our missionaries in Tanzania, have put out another information-packed newsletter.  Paper copies are on the table at the back or you can read their blog online.

Men’s Ministry

The men of our church will be getting together for fellowship and a BBQ at CBC on Tuesday, 14 August at 7:30pm.  Look out for sign up sheets at the back or contact Ian Holmes, Paul Kelly or one of the other members of the men’s ministry team if you would like to attend.


We are taking a group of young people to Soul Survivor summer festival from

4th – 9th August. Please pray for the young people as they spend time with one another and with God.


… Looking ahead over the next few months…

4th August: Craft Club, 10am

8th August: Midweek service, 2pm

13th August: Men’s fight night, 8pm

14th August: Men’s bbq 7:30pm

22nd August: Midweek service, 2pm

25th August: Zoe Little / Seth Lavington wedding 1:30pm

26th August: Infant dedications at 9:15am and 11:15am services

28th-31st August: Holiday Bible Club

2nd September: Week of Prayer starts

9th September: bbq for 11:15 congregation – 12:30-3:30pm

9th September: tea before evening service (time to be confirmed); ommissioning service for Littles, 6pm

10th September: men’s fight night, 8pm

12th September: Midweek service, 2pm

24th September: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm

26th September: Midweek service, 2pm

30th September: 2nd open meeting to discuss leadership restructure, 4:30pm

1st October: Men’s fight night, 8pm

7th October: Harvest services

9th-17th October: Mission trip to Tanzania

10th October: Midweek service, 2pm

22nd October: Church Meeting, 8pm

24th October: Midweek service, 2pm

29th October: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm

31st October: Light Party, 5-7pm