Weston Super Mare, Sunday 17th July 2016
We intend to have a coach trip to Weston Super Mare on Sunday 17th July leaving Corsham at 10:30am and returning at about 6:30pm. The cost is £5 per seat. There are now forms available at the back for you to fill in. Please enclose your payment and leave in the office. There will be a service at Priory Street on that morning for those not going on this trip. It will be at 11:15am and led by Eric Seager.
Ladies’ Bible Study
The next ladies’ bible study is taking place on Monday 27th June at 7:30pm. Notes for the evening are on the table at the back (pink sheets) – The Way of Wisdom: Choices with a Gospel . Please take one to use with your study buddy. Any questions, please chat to Kathy Larkman or Anne Holmes.
Tuesday Lunch Club
The next TLC will take place on Tuesday 14th June at Priory Street. Please speak to Wendy Prior if you would like to know more. The next Lunch Club get-together will be the annual summer party to be held on Saturday 9th July at 3:00pm.
Midweek Service
This will be held on Wednesday. The text is Luke 20.41-21.4. Eric will be leading and preaching and there will be communion.
Infant Dedication
Next week at the 9:15am service we will have an infant dedication for Sebastian Blaikley, baby son of Mike and Sarah.
Safe to Grow (Child Protection) Training
Saturday 17th September: 9 – 12.30pm @ CBC. For ALL involved in children’s and youth work in the Church, as part of new Baptist Union regulations. This includes helpers for the Ark, Junior Church, Toddler Group & Youth work activities. Please note the date in your diaries and confirm availability with Louise du Toit or Rhiannon Price. We can train 30 at a time, so once full we will arrange a second training date.
Sound Desk, Evenings
We are very short of sound desk operators at the evening service. The system for the evening is a great deal simpler than for the morning. If you are a regular evening service attender and would like to help in this way, please speak to Alan Christie or Steve Chilcott who is very happy to provide some training.
Building Mission Trip
Our building team leaves for Tanzania on the 21st June. Please pray for all aspects of their trip. They return on the 3rd July.
Youth Matters
Please take time to read the Youth Matters leaflet which Dan Ovens has written and continue to pray for our young people.
..This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am
Tuesday: Lunch Club, 12 o’clock
Wednesday: Midweek Service, 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre,
Saturday: Prayer in the Hut, 8:30am
Looking ahead…
15th June : Midweek service, 2:00pm
19th June: Infant dedication, 9:15am
21st June: Tanzania mission departs
25th June: The Ark, 10am
27th June: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm
29th June: Midweek service, 2pm
2nd July: Craft Club, 10am
3rd July: Evening prayer meeting, 6pm
9th July: Annual TLC Summer Party, 3:00pm
10th July: Mission Sunday & International Tea
13th July: Midweek Service, 2:00pm
17th July: Church day out to Weston
17th July: No evening service
27th July: Midweek service, 2:00pm
30th July: “Connected” @ Spruijts
There are 15 small groups that meet during the week in and around Corsham. Please contact Vicky Stephenson if you would like to find out more about which group might suit you! vicky.stephenson@gmail.com