Ladies’ Bible Study
The notes for the next ladies’ bible study are on the table at the back of church (pink sheets). Please take one in advance of the next meeting which is on Monday 22nd February, 7.30pm. Please speak to Anne Holmes or Kathy Larkman for more information on these studies.
Midweek Service
The next midweek service will be held on Wednesday 17th February at 2pm. The service lasts an hour and is followed by tea/coffee and home-made cakes. The text is Luke 18:1-8 and Eric will be leading and preaching. There will also be communion.
Ministry Booklet Reports
Would all ministry leaders please prepare their ministry reports for the ACM booklet. Louise has emailed leaders personally giving details of what is required. Please can these reports be emailed to Louise before 1st April. Any queries, please contact her in the office. Thank you.
Life Groups
There are now approximately 15 life groups that meet during the week in and around Corsham! Speak to Vicky Stephenson if you would like to join a group.
The Ark
This will be held again on Saturday 27th February at 10am. This is an outreach to the community as well as an event for our own children. There are songs, activities, puppets, stories, refreshments etc. Please speak to Alexa Simm or Heather Chilcott if you would like to know more about these events.
Same-Sex Marriage
There will be another discussion morning on this subject on the 19th March from 9am-12.30pm. This will be the second running of this morning in which Rob Durant and Eddie Larkman will be giving talks on the biblical view of human sexuality and the pastoral outworking of this.
One for the diary!
** BARN DANCE 7th May **
To celebrate the return of the Lancasters from Tanzania on their home assignment, we are having a barn dance on the 7th May at Selwyn Hall, Box. This will also be a wonderful opportunity for all the congregations of Corsham Baptist Church to get together at one event! More details on the barn dance to follow in due course.
Israel Trip
Steve Lancaster will be leading a ten-day Oak Hall trip to Israel in June 2016. If you are interested in finding out more about the trip, please go to and click on the “Israel & Palestine” link for more details (Trip code IS16), and speak to some of those from CBC who went in 2013!
This week at CBC…
Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7.15am; Midweek service, 2pm
Friday: Corsham Money & Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am
Saturday: Prayer for Corsham /Gospel expansion, 8.30am in the prayer room
Looking ahead…
22nd February: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm
27th February: The Ark, 10am
2nd March: Midweek service, 2pm
5th March: Craft Club, 10am
6th March: Evening prayer meeting, 6pm
8th March: TLC, 12pm
12th March: Life Group Leaders’ morning meeting, Priory Street
14th March: Missions and Prayer for the Persecuted Church, 7.45pm
16th March: Midweek service, 2pm
19th March: Same-sex marriage discussion 9.00am-12.30pm
21st March: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7.30pm
26th March: The Ark, 10am
25th-28th: Easter weekend
27th March: Nominations open for Communications Deacon and Elder
29th March – 1st April: Holiday Bible Club