Notice sheet for 17th September 2017

Mission and Persecuted Church Prayer Meeting

This will take place tomorrow night, Monday 18th September, at 7:45pm at the church.  Please contact Wendy Rowe or Vanessa Naish if you require more information about these prayer meetings.

Summer Mission Celebration

The summer period has been an exciting time for CBC/ COTG as many people have taken part in mission events either personally or through supporting those who have participated. On Sunday 1st October we will be having a Summer Mission Celebration event where we can hear from those who served on mission events which will then be followed by praying for God’s ongoing work in these mission areas. The timings still need to be confirmed but it will be roughly 4pm for finger food and hearing from those who went, followed by the evening prayer service.  We hope as many of you as possible can come and please bring some finger food to share. If you are able to help serve drinks, set up the tables and clear up, please let Wendy Rowe know. We look forward to seeing you.

Philippians Junior Church Group – can you help us?!

We are looking for an adult to help with the Philippians Junior Church group on the following days:  Sept 24th; October 22nd; December 17th, 24th and 31st

The children are aged 11-13 years old.  No experience is needed!  Please see either Steve Bryant, Lisa Robinson or Wendy Rowe if you can help.

Attention Women! – LIVING OUT GOD’S GRACE

If you’ve struggled with the Christian disciplines, and have found yourself weary, confused, or burnt out, this study will comfort and challenge you as you learn to rest in God’s grace in your journey to become more like Christ.  Our first study is on Monday 25th September at 7:30pm in the church hall. The hand outs for this study are on the table at the back.  If you need a study buddy or don’t know what one is in this context, please see Anne HolmesWe hope to see you there!

Ladies’ Retreat

This is taking place from 20-22 April 2018 at Lox Lane, Shaftesbury. There are booking forms on the table at the back which contain all details.  Please hand your completed form and deposit to Anne Holmes.

New Life Group

A new life group will be starting at Jude and Richard’s home this Tuesday morning at 10:45am.  They will be following Eddie’s sermon notes.  They live in Box; please refer to the directory for their address.

Reformation Remix Show – Sunday, October 8th at 6:30pm (doors open 6pm)

This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation starting with Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg. We owe a great deal to this period of church history, and to mark the occasion the Bible Society have created a show to tell the historical story in a very engaging and entertaining way.  Corsham Baptist Church is hosting a live performance of the show on October 8th at 6:30pm and regardless of whether or not you’re are a keen historian or not this show is not to be missed!  It is a free event, so please invite your friends to join too!

The Ark

The Ark begins again at the end of the month, Saturday 30th September 10.00am at Corsham Baptist Church.  It is aimed at 0-7 year olds but all are welcome for bible stories, songs, craft, puppets and cake.  We are very grateful to Alexa for all she has done for the last two years, but she is stepping down from leading the Ark at present. Thankfully she will still be doing some of the stories throughout the year.  Hope to see you all on 30th September,


Eric Seager recently had the privilege of bringing Mervyn Salter to the Lord, a week before he passed away.  There is the funeral of Mervyn and Patricia Salter at 2.00pm on Monday 25th September in the church.

Grindrods in Austria

Please continue to pray for Lesley and Neal.  You can following them by reading their blog


…This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am; mission and persecuted church prayer, 7:45pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm

Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm; men’s camping weekend, Grittleton

Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion and other church activities 8.30am


….Coming up…

25th September: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm

27th September: Midweek service, 2pm

30th September: The Ark

1st October: Mission feedback afternoon (time to be confirmed)

8th October: Harvest services; Reformation Remix, doors open 6pm

11th October: Midweek service, 2pm

16th October: Church Meeting, 8pm