Notice sheet for 19th November 2017

Notice sheet for 19th November 2017

Transformation Groups

TRANSFORMATION GROUPS are a small step for big gains in your Christian growth. Four men, or four women, committing to meet together once a month for six months to study God’s word, to pray, and above all, to apply the gospel to our daily lives. The groups will be starting in January. If you’d like to join one, speak to one of the group leaders: for the women, Nancy Sawyer, Vicki Kelly, Lynne Little and Louise du Toit; for the men, Ben Ross, Steve Rowe, John Prior and Nathan Coltman.

1Thess 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up …”

Mission and Persecuted Church Prayer Meeting

There will be a prayer meeting for the above on Monday 20th November, at 7:45pm. Please speak to Vanessa Naish should you wish to know more about these meetings.

Congregational Meeting

Especially for the Sunday evening congregation! Please make every effort to join us for a special meeting next Sunday 26th November at 6pm. As well as prayer and worship, we’ll be holding an open discussion about how we can best develop our Sunday evening gatherings. What would you like to see happen, and what part can you play? Please come and share as a family as we seek together to move forward with God.

Midweek Service

The next midweek service is on Wednesday 22nd November and the text is 2 Samuel chapters 15-18. Eric Seager will be leading and David Morrell preaching. The service starts at 2:00pm and is followed by tea/coffee and home-made cakes.  All welcome!

Infant Dedication

Next Sunday at the 11:15am service we will be having an infant dedication for Arya Joy, daughter of Nathan and Christine Coltman.  We look forward to welcoming their friends and family to this special occasion.

The Ark

Come and find out about the Greatest Journey of them all and the real meaning of Christmas at the Ark Christmas party on Saturday 25th November.  It’s going to be lots of fun with puppets, games, treasure hunt, video, talk, songs, party food, cake and gifts. Bring your friends along as well.   Aimed at 0-7 year olds but ALL welcome, at Priory Street, 10-11.30am (a bit later this time as we will be finishing with party food!).

Women’s Bible Study

The next women’s bible study is on Monday 27th November at 7:30pm.  There are study sheets on the table at the back.  Please take one in preparation of the meeting.  If you would like to know more about these meetings, or would like to have a “study buddy”, please chat to Kathy Larkman or Anne Holmes.

CBC Men’s Night – Tuesday 28th November 7:30pm

Renton Baker will be coming to share with the men of our church, reflecting on his past and what it means for men to work out their faith in today’s world (this will be the first of a series of talks from Renton). This would be a great opportunity to bring non-Christian friends. Pizza or curry as well (to be decided).

Feeding Back to You

The Trustees of Corsham Churches Foodbank would like to thank everyone at CBC for their generous support of the Foodbank project throughout 2017, but in particular for your recent harvest offering.  The Foodbank is now well placed to meet the additional demands of the winter season and the Christmas Hamper project.

Fight Night

Monday night at CBC is “Fight Night” (second Monday of every month at 8pm). This is a men’s prayer meeting where we pray for our Christian witness, to honour the women in our lives, and for anything and everything as the Spirit leads.

MK Staff Training 2018

This summer (2017) CBC hosted the MK Staff Training course for WEC International. As a church we had the opportunity to meet and be a blessing to new mission workers from all over the world, preparing to serve in schools attended by missionaries’ children. The same course will be held at CBC again in 2018, from Sunday evening 22nd July to Thursday morning 2nd August. We are looking for hosts to provide accommodation, and help with catering and taxi driving for our participants. If you would like to help in any way please talk with Steve or Gill Bryant. Thank you!

Family Christmas decoration-making workshop

We will be making Christmas decorations and having some festive fun on Saturday 9th December at church between 10am and 12pm. There’ll be glitter and tinsel in abundance! Children to be accompanied by a parent please.  Help is needed for this event so please speak to Rhiannon to find out more and to sign up.

A Sweet Christmas – Women’s Christmas Event: Monday 11th December

We look forward to having fellowship and food together as we celebrate Christmas and encourage one another in our walk with God at this special time of year. This year we’re having a ‘Christmas curry’ with oodles of sweet treats! Any questions please speak to Anne Holmes, Christine Coltman or Vicki Kelly.  There is a sign-up sheet.

Grindrods’ Blog

Please take a paper copy of the latest blog from Austria or visit the link

Church Directory 2018

Please complete a form which you can find at the back if your details have changed or you are new to this fellowship.  Once completed, leave in the box on the table at the back. The directory will be published in January. PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY!! Thank you!

…This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am; Mission/persecuted church prayer meeting, 7:45pm

Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; CMDAC 7.30pm

Friday: CMDAC 9.30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm

Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion and other church activities 8.30am; the Ark Christmas party, 10am

….Coming up…

26th November: Infant Dedication, 11:15am service; congregational meeting 6pm

27th November: Women’s Bible Study, 7:30pm

28th November: Men’s night with Renton Baker, 7:30pm

2nd December: Craft Club, 10am

6th December: Midweek service, 2pm


…All things Christmas @ CBC Priory Street…


9th December, 10am-12pm: decoration-making workshop

11th December, 7:30pm: Women’s Christmas event

16th December, 5pm: Nativity Service

17th December, 6pm: Carols by Candlelight

20th December, 2-3pm: Midweek Christmas service

24th December: normal 9:15am and 11:15am services; communion 6pm

25th December, 10am: Christmas Day family service; no evening service

31st December: normal 9:15am and 11:15am services; no evening service