Baptism Services
We are happy to announce that four people are being baptized today – one at the 9:15am service and three at the 11:15am service. We welcome their friends and family to this special occasion.
Persecuted Church Sunday 20th November
This afternoon we will have a special event focusing on the persecuted church. Tea and cakes will be served at 4:30pm, and we will be welcoming David and Sue, an experienced couple who have worked for some years in both Ghana and the Middle East, as our speakers. They are now involved in outreach to migrants in the UK and beyond. They will give a short presentation at around 5.20pm and will share further during the evening service, with David preaching.
Ladies’ Bible Study
The next ladies’ bible study notes are available on the table at the back. Please take one in preparation of the study on the 28th November. Contact Kathy Larkman or Anne Holmes for more details on these meetings
The Craft Group
The Craft Group will meet on the first Saturday in December and we will have the opportunity of making Christmas Cards or carrying on with quilt blocks for the next quilt! The first quilt for Tanzania is well on the way now and when completed we hope to show it to the church folk before it is taken out to Tanzania. If anyone has any scraps of cotton print material they wish to clear out, the craft group could make use of them for the next quilt which will be for Steve and Ruth. A couple of people have suggested we visit charity shops and buy good quality cotton skirts, or similar, to use! Any donations of materials can be given to Pam Mitchell or Kathy Ewins.
Toddler Group
The Toddler Group is praying for someone to lead the team. They are also in need of more helpers. It is held on Thursday mornings following the school calendar. Please see Kathy Larkman for details.
The Ark
You are invited to the Ark Christmas Party on Saturday 26th November 10-11am at Corsham Baptist Church. Puppets, songs, games, food, party bags and the Christmas story. Please bring an adult to stay with you for the party. Aimed at 0-7 but all welcome. We are excited and look forward to seeing you there! If you want to know more, please speak to Alexa Simm or Heather Chilcott.
Town Carol Service
Each year a different church in Corsham organizes the town carol service and this year it is our turn!
The event, which takes place through the High Street and ends at St. Bart’s, is on Tuesday 20th December, starting at 6:45pm. Louise would like help with the following activities:
- 3 x stewards to crowd manage
- 3 x helpers to heat up mince pies
- 4 x helpers to hand out mince pies
- 2 x helpers to erect and remove banner from town
- This is a lovely community event but quite big to organize so please sign up on the sheet at the back if you can help, or contact Louise in the office. Many thanks to those people who have already done so!
Short Refugee Video Clips
Recently there was a feedback session from Neal and Lesley regarding their time in Austria. These are the links to the videos that were shown.
How can one mend a broken heart?
Children have a right to claim international protection
Men’s Christmas Event
There is a men’s Christmas event on the 29th November at Priory Street. Please sign up at the back if you want to attend.
Carol Service Band
Do you play an acoustic instrument? – strings, woodwind or brass? If so, it would be great to include you in this year’s Carol Service Band which will accompany the carols on the evening of Sunday 18th December. There are likely to be a couple of practices beforehand, one of which will probably be on the afternoon of the carol service itself. The band last year were brilliant, despite some struggles along the way. If you’re interested in taking part, please either speak to David Morrell, or email him at – and let him know what you play, and roughly what standard you’re used to playing (so he doesn’t write parts that are too hard this year!!).
Bible Society Christmas Aids
The Bible Society has wonderful Christmas aids again this year for spreading the Good News. Steve and Heather Chilcott’s daughter, Emma, designed the Bible Verse Calendar and costs 50p and a new ‘free’ set of stickers for your Christmas cards. The ‘free’ stickers from last year are still available too. will show you what’s available or call 01793 418300.
Christmas tree decorating!!
Invitation to all (young and old!) to come and help decorate our church Christmas tree on Saturday December 10th, 3-5pm. Crafts, food and some carol singing!
Nativity Service
This year the Nativity will be held on Saturday December 17th at 5pm at Priory Street.
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am
Tuesday: Rudloe Tots, 10am, Rudloe Centre
Wednesday: Morning prayer, 7:15am
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10:00am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm.
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion 8.30am; The Ark, 10am; Café on the Green, Rudloe, 2:30pm
…Looking ahead…
28th Nov: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm
29th Nov: Men’s “Christmas Chili” night, 7:15pm
30th Nov: Midweek service, 2pm
3rd Dec: Craft Club, 10:00am
4th Dec: Prayer evening, 6pm
10th Dec: Tree decorating 3-5pm
12th Dec: Ladies’ social, 7:30pm
13th Dec: Seniors’ Christmas meal, 12pm
14th Dec: Midweek Christmas service, 2pm
17th Dec: Nativity service, 5pm @ Priory St.
18th Dec: Carols by Candlelight, 6pm
19th Dec: Missions’ prayer, 7:45pm
20th Dec: Corsham Town Carol Service, 6:45pm
24th Dec: Christmas eve service, 6pm
25th Dec: Christmas day joint service @ Priory Str, 10am; no evening service on Christmas day
1st Jan: Joint service at Priory Str. @ 10am; no evening service on new year’s day