Notice sheet for 24th July 2016

Notice sheet for 24th July 2016

Church Meeting

At the recent church meeting we welcomed the followed people into membership of Corsham Baptist Church: Jean Jones; June Jones; Sheila Nowell; Mitch & Anne Hankin.

Midweek Service

The next midweek service will be held on Wednesday 27th July. The text will be from Philippians 1. 1-11. Eric will be leading and preaching and there will be communion.

New Wine

Please pray for our youth as some of them are serving at New Wine in Shepton Mallett.

Missions and Persecuted Church Prayer

This is taking place tomorrow, Monday 25th July. God is keeping us busy on the mission front and during this meeting we will be praying for Neal and Lesley Grindrod, the Lancasters and the Sanga Sanga building project, Hannah Little and the Bryants along with Karen and Anna Hurley. We will also be praying for the persecuted Church – our brothers and sisters in Christ worldwide. We would love you to join us from 7:45 to 9:00pm.

Ruth Lancaster

Ruth will be running the Nairn Half Marathon on 20th August and is raising funds for the Institute of Bible & Ministry, the project Steve and Ruth are involved with in Tanzania.  If you would like to sponsor her, they can do so online at

If you don’t have internet access you can give your gift to Ruth directly.

Hannah Little

Hannah Little is going to serve in the Calais refugee camp, “The Jungle” and she leaves tomorrow! Message from her…“Thank you everyone for all your kind donations. I am able to take a full car load of much needed clothing and bedding, and about £200 worth of food! For people with nothing, this will go an incredibly long way. Thank you again.” Please pray for Hannah as she involves herself in this project.


The CBC minibus will not be charging fares to users, who will be able to travel free of charge. Support for the costs of minibus journeys and maintenance will be paid for by the church as a whole. If you would like to make a specific donation for the support of the minibus, please put it into the offering in an envelope marked ‘MINIBUS SUPPORT’. Some pre-printed envelopes are available at the back of the church.


The next “Connected” group will be meeting at the home of the Spruijts on the evening of Saturday 30th July. Please speak to Hannah or Reinier for more information about these events!

Grace Place

Just a reminder to our women to check out the GRACE PLACE blog over the summer holidays! The subjects of anxiety and worry are addressed through the gospel lens of Philippians 4:6-7.

Lancasters’ Funding

Steve and Ruth Lancaster are almost fully-funded for their next three years in Tanzania on the mission field. However there is approximately a £250 monthly shortfall. If you would like to give, please complete a form at the back or speak to Michael Prior.

Week of Prayer

Our annual week of prayer will commence on Sunday 11th September, with an evening prayer service, and run through to Friday 16th September. Details about the week and church opening times will be made available in due course.

Renee Broom

The memorial service for the late Mrs. Renee Broom, one of our seniors who attended TLC and the midweek service, will take place on Friday 29th July at 1:15pm at Priory Street.

The school holidays have begun so the usual church ministries, groups, meetings will not be taking place.

If you would like to join a life group in September, please have a chat to, or contact Vicky Stephenson who is our Life Group Co-ordinator

 …Looking ahead…

25th July: Missions and persecuted church prayer meeting, 7:45pm

27th July: Midweek service, 2:00pm

30th July: “Connected” @ the Spruijts’

10th August: Midweek service, 2:00pm

13th August: Soul Survivor for Youth

19th August: Tim Harding wedding, 2:00pm

24th August: Midweek service, 2:00pm

1st Sept: Roger Hammett commences his role as CBC Treasurer

3rd Sept: Craft Club, 10:00am

4th Sept: Lancasters’ recommissioning service

11th Sept: Evening prayer meeting, 6pm

11th-16th Sept: Week of Prayer

17th Sept: Safe to Grow training session @ Priory Street, 9am