9.15am Eddie Larkman
11.15am Eddie Larkman – dedication
6:00pm James King
Infant Dedication
At the 11:15am service today Emmeline Street (daughter of Jonny and Amy) will be dedicated. We welcome their family and friends to this special occasion.
Ladies’ Bible Study
Notes for the next study, tomorrow evening, 27th February are on the table at the back. Please take a sheet in preparation. If you have any questions about these meetings, or would like a “study buddy”, speak to Kathy or Anne.
Grace Place
Ladies, please remember to visit our Grace Place blog which has articles and insights which will encourage and bless you… https://cbcgraceplace.wordpress.com/
Prayer and Fasting Week
Monday 27th March to Sunday 2nd April
It will be for those individuals who feel called to pray and fast in this way. We aim to lift to God in prayer different things each day of the week and these will be provided to those who wish to be involved in a prayer diary format. More detailed information will be available next week.
Craft Club
Please note the craft club in March will be held on the second Saturday of the month ie. 11th. Chat to Kathy Ewins or Pam for details.
Midweek Service
The text for the midweek service on March 1st is Genesis 18 and 19. Eric Seager will be leading and preaching and there will be communion. The service starts at 2:00pm.
Open Meeting
There will be another open meeting for the 9.15am congregation on Sunday 9th April at 4.30pm.
Women’s World Day of Prayer
This is taking place next Friday, 3rd March, at St. Bart’s Church, Corsham at 2pm. All women welcome to attend.
Deacon Elections
Nominations for elections of Deacon at Church on the Green, and Deacon (Church Secretary) will open on Sunday 12th March. Paul Garcia and Alan Kember, have stated their willingness to be re-nominated for these positions respectively. Elections will take place at the ACM on 10th April.
Ministry Booklet
If you are a ministry leader, you should have received an email about writing and submitting your ministry report for 2016. Please email it to Louise by 24th March.
Safeguarding Training
For anyone involved in any children or youth ministries at CBC (Priory Street or Rudloe) – if you have not received safeguarding training, please make every effort to attend the session being held on 1st April, 9am-12:30pm at Priory Street. Contact Louise or Dan Ovens to confirm your attendance.
Men’s Curry Night – Tuesday 14th March, 7:30pm.
All men should have received an email about this event being held at CBC Priory Street. Please respond if you wish to attend so we have a clear idea for catering purposes.
Toddler Group
We are still looking for someone to take on the leadership of the Toddler Group on Thursday mornings. Please speak to Kathy Larkman if you feel this is a role which you could take on.
We are also looking for someone to run the Traidcraft ministry at Priory Street. Please speak to Julie King if you feel this is something in which you would like to be involved.
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am; ladies’ bible study, 7:30pm
Tuesday: Rudloe Tots, 10:00am
Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7:15am; midweek service 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10:00am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Women’s World Day of Prayer, 2pm @ St. Bart’s Church; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion 8.30am; Café on the Green, Rudloe, 2:30pm
….Looking ahead….
3rd March: Women’s World Day of Prayer, 2pm @ St. Bart’s Church, Corsham
11th March: Craft Club (note… second Saturday!)
14th March: Men’s curry night, 7:15pm
15th March: Midweek service, 2pm
20th March: Missions and Persecuted Church prayer meeting, 7:45pm
25th March: The Ark, 10:00am
27th March: Ladies’ bible study, 7:30pm
27th March – 2nd April: Prayer/fasting week
29th March: Midweek service, 2pm
1st April: Craft Club, 10:00am
9th April: Open meeting for 9:15am service, 4:30pm
10th April: ACM time to be confirmed
12th April: Midweek service, 2pm
14th-17th April: Easter Weekend