Prayer Meeting
Tonight we will have a prayer meeting at 6pm and we are concentrating our prayer on the persecuted church. Alan Christie will be leading the meeting.
Christmas Cards
There are two Christmas cards, for our missionaries, at the back of church which you are encouraged to sign – one for the Bryants and one for the Lancasters. If anyone would like to make a donation for a parcel for the Lancasters, please see Wendy Rowe.
Persecuted Believers
“Christmas Cards for persecuted believers” available at the back of church. Please take one and send with a verse of encouragement.
(Open Doors). Please contact Vanessa Naish if you need more information.
Bible Society’s Advent Challenge
Please join our online Advent calendar which challenges you to do a small, practical act of kindness every day, to share goodwill and make a difference in this season of Advent. Sign up by visiting or visit the Bible Society Facebook page. Last year 13,000 took part, so don’t miss out this year! Any questions, ask Susan Wingrave (Church on the Green) or Alan Kember (9.15am at Priory St).
Carol Service Band
Do you play an acoustic instrument? – strings, woodwind or brass? If so, it would be great to include you in this year’s Carol Service Band which will accompany the carols on the evening of Sunday 18th December. There are likely to be a couple of practices beforehand, one of which will probably be on the afternoon of the carol service itself. The band last year were brilliant, despite some struggles along the way. If you’re interested in taking part, please either speak to David Morrell, or email him at – and let him know what you play, and roughly what standard you’re used to playing (so he doesn’t write parts that are too hard this year!!).
*** Town Carol Service ***
The town carol service is taking place on 20th December and now that the town light switch-on has taken place, we need to advertise the town carol service! We need someone to put the banner up this week. Please contact Louise if you can help with this. Thank you.
Ladies’ Bible Study – Christmas event
Monday 12th December @ 7:30pm at CBC. If you would like to attend this year’s event, please sign up using the sheets at the back of the church. A buffet style meal will be provided – please indicate any dietary requirements you may have. We need helpers to move chairs (men can help too!) after the evening service on 11th Dec plus setting up and helping with cooking. Please sign up at the back or speak to either Vicky Stephenson or Roz Shillaker.
Opportunities for Regular Giving
If you would like to give to the work of the church on a regular basis, you might wish to consider setting up a standing order through your bank. Alternatively, some people find it helpful to use a weekly numbered blue donation envelope for their offering. Moreover, if you are a UK tax payer, then the value of your gift can be increased by 25% at no extra cost to yourself, if you complete a Gift Aid Declaration. If you would like to enrol on the blue envelope scheme for 2017, or would like to set up a standing order or make a Gift Aid Declaration, do please speak to one of the Treasury Team: Roger Hammett (Priory Street 11:15 service); Lynne Little (Church on the Green, Rudloe) or Michael Prior (Priory Street 9:15 service). Many thanks.
Toddler Group
The Toddler Group is praying for someone to lead the team. They are also in need of more helpers. It is held on Thursday mornings following the school calendar. Please see Kathy Larkman for details.
Baptism Service
We will be having another baptism service at the 11:15am service on Sunday 29th January. Please speak to Eddie or one of the leadership team if you are thinking about being baptised.
“Town Christmas Cards”
There are a pile of Town Christmas “cards” at the back. Please take a few for neighbours, friends and hand out. The leaflet gives details of all the services at local churches over the Christmas period.
There are small leaflets at the back of church which list all the Christmas services and activities taking place at Priory Street. Take one either for your own use or take a few for friends, family & neighbours.
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am
Tuesday: Rudloe Tots, 10am, Rudloe Centre
Wednesday: Morning prayer, 7:15am
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10:00am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm.
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion 8.30am; Christmas tree decorating, 3-5pm; Café on the Green, Rudloe, 2:30pm
…Looking ahead…
10th Dec: Tree decorating 3-5pm
12th Dec: Ladies’ social, 7:30pm
13th Dec: Seniors’ Christmas meal, 12pm
14th Dec: Midweek Christmas service, 2pm
17th Dec: Nativity service, 5pm @ Priory St.
18th Dec: Carols by Candlelight, 6pm
19th Dec: Missions’ prayer, 7:45pm
20th Dec: Corsham Town Carol Service, 6:45pm
24th Dec: Christmas eve service, 6pm
25th Dec: Christmas day joint service @ Priory St, 10am; no evening service on Christmas day
1st Jan: Joint service at Priory St. @ 10am; no evening service on new year’s day
4th Jan: Midweek service, 2pm
6-7th Jan: Leaders’ retreat
16th Jan: Church Meeting, 8pm
18th Jan: Midweek service, 2pm
28th Jan: The Ark, 10am
29th Jan: Ernie Pillinger dedication; baptism @ 11:15am service
30th Jan: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm