Baptism Service
A warm welcome to the friends and family of Lewis Webster and Carol Gale who are being baptised today!
Thank you!
A huge thank you to everyone who was involved with the light party on Tuesday night, whether on the night or before. Thank you for all your prayers and practical help. We had a wonderful party with 45 children attending (numbers were much greater if we included the mums and younger siblings who stayed!). Praise God for His goodness.
Remembrance Sunday
Next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday and we will take time at 11:00am (between the two morning services at Priory Street and at Church on the Green) to remember those who have fallen in the service of this country.
Help requested!
Joan is travelling to Austria to visit Neal and Lesley Grindrod and needs a lift to Bristol airport from Corsham on Sunday 19th November at 10am. The return is from Bristol airport to Corsham on Friday 24th November at 1.15pm. If you can help with either journey, please contact Joan.
Calling all regular, occasional or interested sound system users!
If you want to learn how to use the Priory Street sound system, find out more about how it works or want to improve your use of it, then please register for the second of our training sessions which is planned for tomorrow night, starting at 7:30pm and running for an hour in Priory Street. It will be relatively informal and based on your needs so please talk to Steve Chilcott, so he can understand the level of interest and plan the content.
Midweek Service
The next midweek service is on this Wednesday 8th November at 2pm. The text is 2 Sam 11-12. Eric Seager will be leading and preaching and there will be communion.
Meal Co-ordinator
Thank you to Jenny Pillinger who has been co-ordinating the delivery of meals to new families for some time. Jenny is now stepping down and we are seeking someone else to fill this role. It is a busy one! Please speak to Joan Cooper if you would like to take this on. Thank you.
A Sweet Christmas – Women’s Christmas Event: Monday 11th December
We look forward to having fellowship and food together as we celebrate Christmas and encourage one another in our walks with God at this special time of year. This year we’re having a ‘Christmas curry’ with oodles of sweet treats! Any questions please speak to Anne Holmes, Christine Coltman or Vicki Kelly. There is a sign-up sheet at the back.
Family Christmas decoration making workshop
We will be making some Christmas decorations and having some festive fun on Saturday 9th December at church between 10am and 12pm. There’ll be glitter and tinsel in abundance! Children to be accompanied by a parent please.
Help is needed for this event so please speak to Rhiannon to find out more and to sign up (no artistic talent required!)
Save the Date: Corsham Bible Weekend 7th-8th July 2018
Rob Durant is organising this weekend for next July and it promises to be a wonderful time of worshiping God and studying his word together. It will take place at the Corsham Springfield Community Centre.
Congregational Meeting
Especially for the Sunday evening congregation! Please make every effort to join us for a special meeting on Sunday 26th November at 6pm. As well as prayer and worship, we’ll be holding an open discussion about how we can best develop our Sunday evening gatherings. What would you like to see happen, and what part can you play? Please come and share as a family as we seek together to move forward with God.
Mission Shaped Ministry Course
Please see copies of this taster session taking place on 11th November 10am-1pm in Chippenham. The speaker is from Fresh Expressions. Please speak to Phil Osmond for further details of this exciting initiative!
Lancs in Tanzania
Please take a paper copy of Steve and Ruth’s newsletter or read it online
CBC Men’s Night – Tuesday 28th November 7:30pm
Renton Baker (Christian Speaker) will be coming to share with the men of our church, reflecting on his past and what it means for men to work out their faith in today’s world (this will be the first of a series of talks from Renton). Renton has an interesting story to tell, and this would be a great opportunity to bring non-Christian friends. Pizza or Curry as well (to be decided).
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 10am; PA desk training, 7:30pm
Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; CMDAC 7.30pm
Friday: CMDAC 9.30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion and other church activities 8.30am
….Coming up…
12th November: Remembrance Sunday
19th November: Praise evening, 6pm
20th November: Mission and persecuted church prayer meeting, 7:45pm
22nd November: Midweek service, 2pm
25th November: The Ark, 10:00am
26th November: Infant Dedication, 11:15am service
27th November: Women’s Bible Study, 7:30pm
28th November: Men’s night with Renton Baker, 7:30pm
All things Christmas @ CBC Priory Street
9th December, 10am-12pm: decoration-making workshop
11th December, 7:30pm: Women’s Christmas event
16th December, 5pm: Nativity Service
17th December, 6pm: Carols by Candlelight
20th December, 2-3pm: Midweek Christmas service
24th December: normal 9:15am and 11:15am services; communion 6pm
25th December, 10am: Christmas Day family service; no evening service
31st December: normal 9:15am and 11:15am services; no evening service