Oasis Feedback : today at 4:30pm
Neal and Lesley, plus all those from church who have recently been out to Austria to visit the Oasis centre, will be giving feedback this afternoon starting at 4:30pm. There will be tea, coffee and a variety of cakes! The evening service will then be a time of prayer for the Oasis team, their work, the refugees, the Grindrods and other areas where we need God’s help.
Remembrance Sunday
Next week is Remembrance Sunday and we will have an act of remembrance at 11am between the 9:15 + 11:15am services. If you would like to be present please arrive at 10:55 and at 11am we will mark the occasion with a 2 minute silence followed by prayer.
Baptism Services
We are happy to announce that four people will be baptized on Sunday 20th November – one at the 9:15am service and three at the 11:15am service.
Light Party
Rhiannon would like to say a great big thank you to everyone who helped with the light party. We had a wonderful evening and were blessed with 51 children and some of their parents. Thank you so much for all your prayers for this event.
Toddler Group
The Toddler Group team is praying for someone to lead them and this amazing evangelistic outreach. They are also in need of more helpers. It is held on Thursday mornings following the school calendar. We are patiently waiting as the Lord speaks to your heart. Please see Kathy Larkman for details.
Bible Society Request
Stewards are needed on Sat 3rd December at the Calne Lantern Parade and Guinness World Records™ title attempt for the World’s Largest Nativity. If you could help out, please contact Bible Society (01792 418222) or susan.wingrave@biblesociety.org.uk for more details.
Mission & Persecuted Christians’ Prayer Meeting
The next prayer meeting will be held on Monday 14th November at Priory Street at 7:45pm. During this meeting we pray for our missionaries – (it’s a great time to catch up on current news), and using the Open Doors’ material, Vanessa leads us in a time of prayer for Christians who are persecuted.
Persecuted Church Sunday 20th November
** A window on the Middle East **
On Sunday 20th November we will have a special event focusing on the persecuted church. Tea and cakes will be served at 5pm, and we will be welcoming David and Sue, an experienced couple who have worked for some years in both Ghana and the Middle East, as our speakers. David and Sue are now involved in outreach to migrants in the UK and beyond. They will give a short presentation at around 5.20pm and will share further during the evening service, with David preaching. Please join us for this opportunity to learn more about the Middle East and the situation of Christians there. See Wendy Rowe or Gill Bryant for further details.
We would be grateful for any donations of cakes and biscuits for this mission event. Please can you bring them to church on Sunday morning or at
the beginning of the event. Thank you so much!
Christmas dates for your diary
Christmas tree decorating!!
Invitation to all (young and old!) to come and help decorate our church Christmas tree on Saturday December 10th, 3-5 pm. Crafts, food and some carol singing!
Nativity Service
This year the Nativity will be held on Saturday December 17th at 5pm at Priory Street. This will be a Nativity for all CBC congregations to come together and celebrate the Good News of Jesus’ birth. Please invite your friends!!
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am
Tuesday: Rudloe Tots, 10am, Rudloe Centre
Wednesday: Morning prayer, 7:15am
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10:00am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7.30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9.30am; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm.
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion 8.30am; Café on the Green, Rudloe, 2:30pm
…Looking ahead…
13th Nov: Remembrance Sunday
14th Nov: Missions’ Prayer Meeting, 7:45pm
16th Nov: Midweek service, 2pm
20th Nov: Baptism services, 9:15am and 11:15am
20th Nov: Persecuted church Sunday
26th Nov: The Ark, 10:00am
28th Nov: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm
29th Nov: Men’s “Christmas Chili” night, 7:15pm
30th Nov: Midweek service, 2pm
3rd Dec: Craft Club, 10:00am
4th Dec: Prayer evening, 6pm
10th Dec: Tree decorating 3-5pm
12th Dec: Ladies’ social, 7:30pm
13th Dec: Seniors’ Christmas meal, 12pm
14th Dec: Midweek Christmas service, 2pm
17th Dec: Nativity service, 5pm @ Priory St.
18th Dec: Carols by Candlelight, 6pm
19th Dec: Missions’ prayer, 7:45pm
20th Dec: Corsham Town Carol Service, 6:45pm
24th Dec: Christmas eve service, 6pm
25th Dec: Christmas day service, 10am
no evening service on Christmas day