11:15 service BBQ
There will be a lunch time BBQ today after the 11:15am service. A donations’ box will be out but all food and drink will be provided. All 11:15’ers welcome!
Church Meeting
Next Church meeting takes place tomorrow Monday 15th July at 8pm at Priory Street. Agenda and previous minutes are on the table at the back of church next week.
Seniors’ Summer Party
This is taking place next Saturday 20th July 3-5pm at Priory Street. We need help so please sign up at the back ie. cakes, scones, food prep, set up, etc.
Ark Family Service
Family service run by the Ark team (and others) Sunday 21st July 3.30pm CBC, Priory Street. The puppets have had a bit of a rest as we didn’t have an Ark in June but they’re ready and raring to go for the FamiIy Service and they’ll be doing two songs!! It will be a short, family-friendly service, followed by tea – perfect for inviting family and friends who don’t normally come to church! Hope to see you there. Any queries, please chat to Heather Chilcott.
Crossing cultures for Jesus – Meet the team
We have some visitors at CBC from 21st July to 1st August. On Wednesday 24th July at 7.45pm at CBC in Priory Street, there is an opportunity to meet new mission workers from all over the world. Come and hear the stories of eight people aged 18 to 30 plus who are about to embark on overseas missions. See Steve and Gill Bryant for more details. Hope to see you there!
CAKES and BISCUITS needed for this year’s WEC training course
Monday – Friday, over the last two weeks in July.
Either leave baked donations in the church kitchen no earlier than the Sunday before, clearly labelled – ie. for WEC use and type of cake – or drop them off during that two week period so we have a staggered run of goodies!
Speak to Liz Perks/Jo Sheringham if you have any queries. MANY THANKS!
Mercy Ship Mission Feedback…the story so far!
There is an opportunity to hear how Stuart, Lynne and Matthew Little are getting on as they have a short break from their mission experience on Mercy Ships. They will be at Priory Street this Wednesday 17th July starting at 7:30pm. All welcome to attend!
We are desperately seeking a keyboard player for the Midweek Service on July 24th. The service runs from 2-3pm, though it’s possible for a musician to get away by 2.30, or if they prefer, to stay for cakes at 3pm! At the moment it looks likely that the service will not include any sort of songs or hymns, which would be a pity. So if you can play anything (more than Chopsticks!!) and can be available on 24th, please contact Eric Seager (eric@seager.me) or 01225811761 to let him know.
9:15ers’ BBQ – 28th July
This will be held at the home of Tim and Vicky Stephenson (63 Pickwick Rd, use The Porch or Springfield car parks) on Sunday 28th July. It will be a bring and share and someone will be co-ordinating (volunteer?). Come over after church and it’s expected to finish around mid-afternoon. If you have a camping chair or rug please bring it but if that’s not possible, don’t worry we’ll find something suitable for everyone! Chat to Vicky or Tim if you are unsure about anything.
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am; Church Meeting, 8pm
Wednesday: Stuart and Lynne Little feedback, 7:30pm, CBC
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm
Saturday: Seniors’ summer party, 3pm
… Upcoming dates…
21st July: WEC week commences
21st July: Family service, 3:30pm (The Ark)
24th July: Midweek service, 2pm; meet the team (WEC), 7:45pm
28th July: 9:15 congregational meeting, 11am
31st July: WEC week finishes
7th August: Midweek service, 2pm
21st August: Midweek service, 2pm
23rd August: Soul Survivor (youth event)