@ Priory Street | @ Rudloe, Church on the Green | ||
9:15am | Eddie Larkman | 10am | Ben Fry |
11:15am | Eddie Larkman | ||
6pm | Gathered to pray |
Baptismal Services
Today we are having three baptisms at Priory Street… Tom and XXX at the 9:15am and Adrianna at the 11:15am service. We welcome their friends and family to this special occasion.
Please keep Lesley and Neal in your prayers as they leave for Austria today!
Church Meeting
At the recent Church Meeting Adrian Pillinger was re-elected as Elder and Martin Sheringham was re-elected as Fabric Deacon. We will run elections again for Safeguarding Deacon at the April Church Meeting.
Women’s Bible Study
This will be held tomorrow night, 28th January at Priory Street at the usual time of 7:30pm. Study notes are on the table at the back. Please take one in advance of the meeting.
Newcomers’ Lunch
Are you new to the 11:15am service at Priory Street? If so, there is a newcomers’ lunch on Sunday, 3rd February after the service. Please sign up on the sheet at the back of the church so we have an idea for catering purposes. Speak to Joan Cooper for more details.
Craft Club
This will take place on Saturday 2nd February at 10am at Priory Street. Please chat to Hazel H or Pam M for more details.
Plea for 11:15 Junior Church leaders and helpers
We are looking for more people to join the Junior Church Team at the 11:15 Priory Street service. We have five classes that all need help, from creche through to year 8. The commitment for a leader is 30 minutes’ preparation and on the day – you decide your availability and how frequently you can help out. Catch up with the sermon online! Please come for a taster session if you are not sure. Speak to any member of the Junior Church Team or contact Catherine D
Save the date! Saturday 2nd March, 7:00pm -Bible Society Event at Priory Street
As well as up to date information on Bible Society, there will be the exciting launch of the new book – ‘JONAH AND THE BONY-FINNED ASTEROID FISH’ Publication date – 26th February. Join us for a fun evening with readings, quiz, book-signing and supper. Watch this space for more information or talk to Tim S (9:15am), Jo S (11:15am) or Sue W (COTG).
Book Recommendations
Two books that Eddie recommends on God’s gift of rest:
- Christopher Ash: “Zeal Without Burnout”
- Adam Mabry: “The Art of Rest”
Oasis Building Mission Trip
Martin S is leading a building team to the Oasis Centre, Traiskirchen, Vienna on 2/3rd February returning 9/10th February. They will be remodelling a toilet to allow for wheelchair access. The team going with Martin is Chris D, Paul G and Andy W – all from Church on the Green. Please pray for their preparations.
Clothing Donations to the Oasis Refugee Centre
Martin and the team would like to take clothing aid as they will be going in a van. Oasis would like donations of clothing but they are mainly in need of new adult men’s/women’s underwear and socks. Other warm second hand clothing – coats, hats etc. would be welcome, but the greatest need is for the former. Please bring donations to the church and leave in the box which will be in the church entrance or in the church office. Any queries, please contact Jo or Martin S.
Family service (The Ark)
A family service will take place at Priory Street on 17th March at 3.30pm. The service will be fairly short and will finish with tea. Please put the date in your diary and start inviting family and friends along. We’ll also be advertising it at the Ark, Toddler group etc. Many thanks.
Accommodation for summer course 2019
For the last two years, CBC has hosted the WEC MK Staff Training course in July/August. It has been a great opportunity for us to help and get to know people of all ages from numerous countries, whom God has called to serve overseas. The course is scheduled to take place again, from Sunday 21st July to Thursday 1st August 2019. Some participants will only stay till Saturday 27th July. If you are able to provide accommodation (including breakfast and most evening meals) for someone for all or part of this time, please contact Steve and Gill B. Thank you so much for your help.