Elections of Safeguarding Deacon, Fabric Deacon and Elder and will take place at the next Church Meeting. Nominations for these positions close at 6pm tonight. Adrian Pillinger and Martin Sheringham have indicated their willingness to be re-nominated for positions of Elder and Fabric Deacon respectively. All the relevant paperwork is at the back.
Midweek Service
The next meeting is on Wednesday 9th January at 2pm. The text is Matthew 2.1-18. Eric Seager will be leading and David Morrell preaching. Refreshments follow at 3pm.
Baptismal Services
We will be having two baptisms on 27th January at Priory Street…Tom Price at the 9:15am and Adrianna Hurley at the 11:15am service. If you feel you would like to be baptised, or have any questions about this, please speak to Eddie Larkman or one of the church leaders.
Church Meeting
The first Church Meeting of the year will take place on Monday 21st January 2019 at 8pm. Agenda to follow in due course.
Mission News!
Steve and Gill Bryant have put out their December newsletter. Please take a copy from the table at the back.
A reminder that the Littles‘ blogs can be found at matthewswestafricanadventure.blogspot.com and alittleodyssey.blogspot.com as they continue serving the Lord on Africa Mercy off the coast of West Africa.
Neal and Lesley Grindrod leave for Vienna on Sunday 27th January and return on Monday 8th April. They do not have any airport transport organised yet and would be very grateful if someone from CBC could help them out. They need to be at Bristol airport for 10am on the Sunday morning.
Prayer requests for Lesley and Neal:
* That God would keep them both strong and healthy as they prepare to leave for Austria
* That they will be able to ‘hit the ground running’ and be a blessing to the team and refugees
* That the team dynamic (relationships) will be healthy and they will fit in easily under the new leadership at Oasis
Oasis Building Mission Trip
Martin Sheringham is leading a building team to the Oasis Centre, Traiskirchen, Vienna on 2/3rd February returning 9/10th February. Paul Garcia and Chris Drake are the other two going. They will be remodelling a toilet to allow for wheel chair access. Please pray for the preparations required to make this trip successful. Thank you.
Clothing Donations to the Oasis Refugee Centre
Martin and the team would like to take clothing aid as they will be going in a mini-van. Oasis would like donations of clothing but they are mainly in need of new adult men’s/women’s underwear and socks. Other warm second hand clothing – coats, hats etc would be welcome, but the greatest need is for the former. Please bring donations to church during the week preceding the trip ie. from January 26th onwards and leave in the big box which will be in the church entrance. Any queries, please contact Jo or Martin Sheringham.
Women’s Bible Study
This will be held on Monday 28th January at the usual time of 7:30pm. Study notes are on the table at the back. Please take one in advance of the meeting.
…This week…
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am
Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm
Life groups meet in and around Corsham and neighbouring towns and villages during the week. If you would like more information on any small groups, please speak to your congregational leaders.
… Looking ahead…
14th January: Fight night; prayer for persecuted church and missions
18th-19th January: Leaders’ retreat
21st January: Church Meeting, 8pm
23rd January: Midweek service, 2pm
26th January: The Ark, 10am
27th January: Baptism service, 9:15am and 11:15am service; Grindrods leave for Austria
28th January: Women’s bible study, 7:30pm