Notices for 13 Dec 2020

Notices for 13 Dec 2020

This Sunday

Next Sunday morning there will be a choice of a carol service (to be recorded live at next week’s Wednesday congregation) and a Zoom-hosted interactive Nativity service (read more here).

We hope to return to weekly Sunday and Wednesday, in person, services from 10th and 13th Jan respectively.

Carols, Carols, Carols

  • Mon 14th Dec Women’s Carol Service: Come and join us for a Women’s Carol Service from 7.30pm via Zoom.  For more details contact Anne H, Victoria K or Christine C ;
  • Wed 16th Dec Midweek Carol Service: In the church, starting 2pm, please book with Norman, David or the Church Office (01249 701078) ;
  • Tues 22nd Dec Town Carols: Unfortunately this year we will not be able to walk through the town accompanied by the wind band but we are able to join with the other churches around, hosted by Dan on the CBC YouTube channel ;
  • Christmas Eve, CBC Carol Service: Our own family affair, led by Eddie, also on YouTube.

CBC Nativity trail*

…around Corsham High Street and surrounding homes. Come wearing your favourite nativity costume:

Who: Everyone from CBC and the community. 
What: Trail around Corsham High street, Priory street and adjoining roads. Look out for words in households windows which will match a sticker they place on their clue sheet.
When: Saturday 19th December 2020 4.00pm – 7.00pm Pack collection at the church on Monday and Thursday after school and on the Saturday from 3.00pm. 

Activities for children of all ages

… let Rhiannon and Rob help you get Christmas in focus with Advent videos. Also:

  • Christ Centred Christmas Bake off – Tuesday 22nd December: Start preparing now for the first CBC Bake off!!  Please confirm entry and get details here: Baking – Corsham Baptist Church. We need Judges!! (Help out, email Cathy D). Prizes to be won for the bake!!
  • A new Junior Church resource page has been created to pull all these things together. If you have an activity your little ones (pre-school and key-stage 1) have loved and that helps them love Jesus then share it with one of the Junior Church teachers and you can be a published artist, author, baker or musician! If it goes well we hope to start a new theme in the New Year.

So let’s get festive and celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ who remains sovereign. May these seasons be marked, not by being miserable but how we shine and continue to uphold the Lord our God.

Christmas Holiday Club

You might be thinking,”What am I going to do with the children in the run up to Christmas?” Well, I have the answer: Join me for a three day holiday club starting on Monday December 21 through to Wednesday December 23, starting at 10am each morning.  This will be an online holiday club so if you are otherwise engaged at 10am you can watch the club at your convenience as it will be available on CBC Junior Church YouTube channel for the foreseeable. There’ll be singing, crafts, Bible stories, fun, games, general silliness and of course the fire drill!!!

You can pick up an activity pack from the church gates on Monday 14th December, Thursday 17th December or Saturday 19th December between 3pm and 4.30pm. All you need to provide is an orange for day 3.

— Rhiannon

Coming up…