A warm welcome awaits you at Church on the Green
Sunday at Priory Street @ 10am
Eddie continues his series on 1 Peter
- Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5tpyZ_6K_hTov2tesd9yTA
- Audio & transcript: https://corshambaptists.org/sermon-intro/
The ‘new normal’ continues with prayer and fellowship – contact your LIFE group leaders for when and how that is happening. Or use the contact form if you’re not part of one but would like to join in.
Evening prayer @ 8pm
Maybe it is easier to concentrate in the evening, after the children are in bed? If you’d like to join a small group, via Zoom, for a couple of Bible readings and to share and receive prayer reach out to Joey, Natalie or use the contact form.
A new season
If you did not see notices last week, please read this message from the Oversight Team about how we hope to fellowship together in the next few months.
Women of CBC!
Our monthly bible studies are back on 28th Sept! This year we will be studying Genesis; ‘In the beginning, God’ and we’re excited to be going back to the very beginning of God’s word together.
As church is likely to be looking different for the immediate future, we want to encourage you to get together with a Study Buddy prior to our monthly meetings. You will receive a short study each month with questions that you can work through together: encourage and build each other up in Christ; all the while learning more about our awesome God. You can meet in person (follow government guidelines) or zoom or chat over the phone. Download your study here or go to Grace Place.
For more information contact Anne (details in the directory or or use the contact form).
When we meet together, we will build on the study with a more in-depth view of Genesis. We realise it may not be possible for everyone to meet at church so we are also looking at an online option. Details to follow.
We look forward to studying and growing together as we delve deeper into the scriptures. God bless you ladies.
The Women’s Ministry Team
Coming up…
Activities are starting up again over the next week or so, please contact your leaders for details. Please remember bookings are needed for all events at the moment so we do not exceed capacity. You can do this by leaving a message on the office phone or use the contact form.
If your small group wants to meet in person and does not have enough space to meet at the recommended distance the Sanctuary @ Priory Street is available. This needs to be booked and virus-limiting precautions taken but we will seek to make it available to as many as we reasonably can.