Notices for 18th June 2017

Praise & Worship Evening

Tonight will be another praise and worship evening along with testimony and sharing.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  Please join us at 6pm.

Elder Election

At the Church Meeting on 17th July 2017 we will hold an election for the role of Elder of Corsham Baptist Church as part of our plan to expand the Oversight Team.  The nomination process opens today and ends on 2nd July at 6pm.  Please hand your completed nomination forms to Alan Christie.  Thank you.

Building Team to Tanzania

Our building team leaves for Tanzania tomorrow!!  Please pray for the team and the work they will do at the Sanga Sanga Centre.  They return on the 1st July.

Ladies’ Bible Study

The next study will take place on Monday 26th June.  The study notes are on the table at the back so please take a copy which you can use with your study buddy.  Speak to Anne Holmes or Kathy Larkman for further information.  Everyone is welcome to attend!

Prayer for Missions and the Persecuted Church

The next prayer meeting will be held tomorrow, Monday 19th June at 7:45pm.  Please speak to Wendy Rowe or Vanessa Naish about these meetings.

Midweek Service

The next midweek service is on Wednesday 21st June at 2pm.  The text is 1 Samuel 16.1-13 and Eric will be leading and preaching.  Please join us and stay for refreshments and fellowship after the service.

The Ark

Saturday 24th June is the last Ark before the summer holidays 10.00am at Corsham Baptist Church, Priory Street. All welcome but mainly aimed at 0-7 year olds, with a responsible adult, to learn about Jesus in a fun way – with stories, songs, puppets and craft. We finish with cake at 11.00. It’s an end of term celebration and come prepared – you may get a little wet! Do join us and all will be revealed!!  Speak to Heather Chilcott if you would like to know more.

Property around the Building

There is, as ever, a lot of property that has been left in the church!  A table has been set up in the coffee hall laden with items!  Please take whatever looks familiar to you.  All unclaimed items will be disposed of in a few weeks’ time.  Thank you.

WEC Training Course in July

Thank you to everyone who has already offered help for the WEC training course. Steve and Gill Bryant are very encouraged by the response from CBC. There are some remaining needs, so please speak to the Bryants if you can help with any of the following times in July:

Monday afternoon tea break on 24th (served at 3.30pm)

Wednesday evening 26th – tea/coffee & biscuits – serve + 9pm and clear up

Friday 28th – lunch co-ordinator (no cooking, helper provided)

Sunday 30th – lunch for one young woman from Hong Kong

Tuesday 25th to Friday 28th July – cakes or salads

Thank you very much!


…This week…

Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am; prayer for missions and the persecuted church, 7:45pm

Tuesday: Rudloe Tots, 10am;

Wednesday: Midweek service, 2pm

Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm

Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm

Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion 8.30am; the Ark, 10am; Cafe on the Green, Rudloe, 2:30pm (final one)


….At a quick glance…

26th June: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm

2nd July: Infant dedication 9:15am service, Samuel Lilley

8th July: Steph Grylls’/Beren Miles’ wedding, 1pm @ Priory Street

9th July: Church family day – picnic at Rudloe – 1pm onwards

9th July: Baptisms at Church on the Green, 2pm

9th July: No evening service15th July: TLC annual summer party, 3-5pm

17th July: Church Meeting, 8pm

19th July: Midweek service, 2pm

22nd July: Men’s breakfast at The Greenhouse

24th July: WEC training commences at CBC

26th July: WEC open evening at Priory Street

30th July: WEC evening, 6pm

2nd August: Midweek service, 2pm

3rd August: WEC training concludes