Church Meeting
Following the Church Meeting on Monday, we are pleased to welcome Clyde Docherty and Tim Stephenson into membership at Corsham Baptist Church.
Baptism Service
Next Sunday 29th January at the 9:15am service Kirstyn Lee will be baptised; at the 11:15am service Chris Sapiano and Joe Rowe will be baptised. We look forward to welcoming their friends and families.
Infant Dedication
Joey and Emily Pillinger’s son, Ernie, will be dedicated at the 9:15am service on 29th January.
Facebook: Blessing or Curse?
What are our children getting up to online? Is what they are doing safe? How can we stay informed and involved in a healthy way? Join Dan Ovens (Youth Pastor) for a Social Networking (that’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all that jazz) Seminar to explore together the blessings and dangers of the online world. Thursday 9th February at 7:30pm in the Church Hut. See Dan for more details.
Prayer for Missions and the Persecuted Church
The next meeting will take place at Priory Street tomorrow night, 23rd January at 7:45pm. If you would like to know more about these prayer meetings, speak to Wendy Rowe or Vanessa Naish.
The Ark
‘Happy New year! The Ark starts again on Saturday January 28th and the team are preparing crafts, stories, songs and cake. The puppets are practising too. It would be lovely if you could join them. And remember the story of Noah’s Ark, how the animals went in 2 by 2? If you would like to bring a friend along with you, that would be great too. Aimed at 0-7s with a responsible adult, 10-11 am then cake and refreshments.
Tanzania 2017
As you are probably aware we are planning another mission trip to Tanzania to help with the building project at the bible institute in Morogoro where Steve and Ruth Lancaster are currently serving. The plan is to go during the last two weeks in June. Anyone interested in attending or just curious to hear more is invited to come along to a meeting at CBC Priory Street on Friday 3rd February at 7:30 pm where we will remind ourselves of last year’s trip and talk about what we may be doing this year. Contact Stuart Little on 07597 573314 if you have any questions.
Time for two: Growing your marriage in Christian love
Marriage, like all good gardens, needs love and time to grow. Take time to enrich your marriage. Two teaching sessions on growing your marriage in Christian love, 7:30pm-9:00pm on Saturday 4th & 11th February at Priory Street. All couples welcome, whether flourishing or struggling, married 2 years, 22 or 202 years! We’ll have tea/coffee, puddings and biblical teaching. Please let us know you’re coming by signing the sheet at the back.
Ladies’ Bible Study
The next women’s bible study is taking place on 30th January at 7:30pm. Notes for this study are on the table at the back of the church. If you would like more information about these studies, please have a chat to Kathy Larkman or Anne Holmes.
Chippenham Street Pastors
If you would like to find out more about Chippenham Street Pastors, please contact Elspeth Pitman on 01249.658838. A new training course starts on the 1st February at Sheldon Road Methodist Church @ 7:30pm. The first night will be an information evening. Poster on back table!
Cakes for the Cafe
Jude Davies has been doing a wonderful job at providing cakes for Cafe on the Green every Saturday for the last six months. It would however be easier if there were other bakers who would step up and help. If you are willing and able to bake cakes/scones etc. for this ministry, please contact Louise. Thank you.
Toddler Group
We are still looking for someone to take on the leadership of the Toddler Group on Thursday mornings. Please speak to Kathy Larkman.
Help Required
We are looking for someone in the 6pm service to do teas/coffees after the service on a monthly basis. One of the team has dropped out so we need some help. The commitment would be just one Sunday evening a month. Please contact Louise in the office or Terry Pollard. Thank you.
Anne Holmes will be making a booking for the Bath Women’s Conference 2017, “Distinctive”. It’s a day of bible teaching and fellowship run by South West Gospel Partnership.
Date: Saturday 25th March, 10am – 4.30pm.
Venue: Kingswood School, Bath
Tickets are £15 standard and £10 concession.
If you would like to look at the conference in more detail, please visit Conference website - or see the flyers at the back of the church. Please let Anne know by 30th Jan if you would like to come along.
Open Discussion for 9:15am service
On 19th February at 4pm, there will be an open discussion regarding the 9:15am service so if you are part of this congregation you are welcome to come along and be part of the discussion. Speak to Eddie for more details.
….This week….
Monday: Mums’ bible study, 9:30am; Prayer for Missions and the Persecuted Church, 7:45pm
Tuesday: Rudloe Tots, 10am
Wednesday: Early morning prayer, 7:15am
Thursday: Toddler Group, 10am; Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 7:30pm
Friday: Corsham Money and Debt Advice Centre, 9:30am; Encounter, 3.45pm; Engage, 4:30pm; Energize, 5:30pm.
Saturday: Prayer for gospel expansion 8.30am; the Ark, 10:00am; Café on the Green, Rudloe, 2:30pm
….Looking ahead….
29th Jan: Ernie Pillinger dedication 9:15am service; baptism @ 11:15am service
30th Jan: Ladies’ Bible Study, 7:30pm
1st Feb: Midweek service, 2pm
3rd Feb: Tanzania meeting, 7:30pm @ Priory Street
4th Feb: Craft Club, 10:00am; Time for 2, 7:30pm
9th Feb: Social Networking Seminar, 7:30pm
11th Feb: Time for 2, 7:30pm
15th Feb: Midweek service, 2pm
19th Feb: “open discussion” regarding 9:15am service, 4pm
20th Feb: Prayer for Missions and Persecuted Church
25th Feb: The Ark, 10am
26th Feb: Infant Dedication, 11:15am Emmeline Street
27th Feb: Ladies’ bible study, 7:30pm