Church Meeting
At the church meeting held on Monday, the following people were welcomed into membership of Corsham Baptist Church: Steve and Jenny Shiles; Alan and Jill Homersley; Emily Pillinger. Ian Holmes and Norman Fuggle have been elected as Elders of CBC.
Infant Dedication
There will be an infant dedication service for Emily Taylor, daughter of Colin and Lydia, on Sunday 30th July at the 11:15am service.
Donations to Oasis Team
We have received a request from the Oasis Team in Austria for the following items to be sent out with Neal and Lesley Grindrod. If you would like to donate any of the items mentioned in the list then please place the item in the box (at the back of church) marked ‘Oasis’ before Sunday 3rd September. Thank you very much for your support. Please continue to pray for Neal and Lesley as they prepare to return to Austria for four months.
- Personally requested by the Oasis team:
- Large box of ‘English’ teabags (PG Tips or similar)
- Large bar of Cadburys Dairy Milk chocolate
- 2x bars of Cadburys Marvellous Creations Jelly Popping Candy
- 2x containers of Cream of Tartar (for baking)
- 4 – 6 packets of jelly crystals (red, green and orange) for making jellies
- Requested for the refugee clothing room ministry:
- Small and medium size underwear for men (new only please)
- Small and medium size ladies’ underwear (new only please)
- Requested for the women and children’s outreach ministry:
- Small bottles of ‘bubbles’ for the kiddies
- Small bottles of food colouring (various colours) for colouring playdough
Please contact Wendy Rowe if you have questions about any of these items.
Grace Place – Summer Reflections
Ladies, please visit GRACE PLACE summer reflections on Hebrews 12:1-3. May it be an encouragement to you as you run the race with godly perseverance over the summer months! Please have a chat to Kathy Larkman for more information about her blog.
Meetings over the Summer
Please note that our meetings and ministries will now close over the school summer holidays and recommence in early September. If you have any queries, please speak to your lifegroup co-ordinator.
Tea/Coffee @ 11:15am service
There is an opportunity to serve at the 11:15am Sunday service! If you would like to help with the teas/coffees please contact Claire King on 01225 810994.
….This week…
24th July: WEC training commences at CBC
26th July: WEC open evening at Priory Street, 7.45pm
30th July: Infant Dedication, 11:15am service (Emily Taylor)
30th July: WEC evening, 6pm
2nd August: Midweek service, 2pm
3rd August: WEC training concludes
16th August: Midweek service, 2pm
11-18th August: Uganda Mission trip
30th August: Midweek service, 2pm
2nd September: Craft Club, 10am
22-24th Sept: Men’s camping weekend, Grittleton