Annual Church Meeting
The church leadership feel that as we cannot hold our Annual Church Meeting in the usual way due to current circumstances, it would be better to postpone than to risk some members being unable to participate via telephone or online. Therefore we currently plan to postpone the ACM to coincide with the regular October Church Meeting. Rest assured that nothing is lost in this and if you have specific questions please do call the church office or fill out our contact form.
Church on the Green @ 10am
Rob will be leading interactive Bible Study and prayer as last week. You’ll be able to join online or via a standard phone call as follows:

Priory Street – joint service @ 10am
The ‘new normal’ continues with prayer and fellowship – contact your LIFE group leaders for when and how that is happening. Or use the contact form if you’re not part of one but would like to join in.
Junior Church
Activities for various age groups will be live on the CBC Junior Church channel on Sunday morning.
The Ark
This Saturday is the day, and though we can’t meet together the is a lot planned! Details at
A note from the Treasurer
As we adjust to the widespread changes at the moment, one area we felt ought to be discussed is finances. For some, there may be significant loss of income due to the enforced closure of so many activities. In that case we completely understand that you may need to reduce or stop your giving to the church for a while, and possibly suspend your Gift Aid declaration too. There may even be those who need to receive help from their brothers and sisters. For others, your income remains steady and predictable. If that is the case, please remember that the church’s expenses remain largely unchanged so please do continue to give.
Finally, if you are used to giving via the collection bag or through the envelope schemes on Sunday – and you are in a position to do so – would you please consider setting up on line standing orders or bank transfers to the CBC account below? And, if you are a UK tax payer and have not completed a Gift Aid declaration in favour of CBC, then do please consider this too, as your donation would be enhanced by 25% by HMRC without any further cost to yourself. Roger H (in the directory or use our contact page) would be pleased to help resolve any questions that you might have.
10 of those
Hopefully you will have seen the notice about 10 of those asking for your custom to support their evangelism programmes? If not, please take a moment to do so. In addition, CBC leadership have agreed to place £1000 on account to be spent in the autumn. This will be used to support existing programmes and to launch a CBC library.
The library will also accept donations to refresh it over time. The plan is that it will be small and curated – only holding items that are personally recommended by the OT – with any surplus donated to Book Aid.
If you would like to lead this ministry please get in touch with Tim. The role is to obtain stock, create and maintain a catalogue, chase any particularly long loans, publicise, write reviews etc. In particular it is important to facilitate and encourage use of the library by those at Church on the Green, who may not visit Priory Street often or at all.
Coming up…
- There are periodic devotions from Eddie and others published through the week and we are going to send out email notifications from now on.
- Each Wednesday and Sunday at 7pm, Lunn Green will be hosting a live prayer event. This is a great way to feel connected to the wider family at a time when many of us are isolated and under pressure. Please use this link ( to connect to the event.
- Wednesday 7.15 – 8.45pm Rooted – An opportunity for the young people (year 8+) to catch up and dig into the Bible together.
- Friday afternoons Deeper – This study group runs fortnightly virtually, and is made up of older youth/young leaders (by invitation).
- Friday 6.30-7.45pm Connect – This group launched last week virtually, and is for (year 7’s). It is an opportunity for the young people to enjoy some fun social interaction, as well as focus in on God through prayer and Scripture.
- Sunday evenings 7.15 – 8.45pm Impact – A youth club that runs weekly and virtually, where the young people can come together online, hang out, have fun, & deepen friendships.