Notices for 5th July 2020

Notices for 5th July 2020

Church on the Green @ 10am

Rob will be leading interactive Bible Study and prayer as last week. You’ll be able to join online or via a standard phone call as follows:

Priory Street – joint service @ 10am

This week we will celebrate communion either together on Zoom at 10:45 or via a recording after the sermon so please choose the video accordingly.

The ‘new normal’ continues with prayer and fellowship – contact your LIFE group leaders for when and how that is happening. Or use the contact form if you’re not part of one but would like to join in.

Junior Church

Activities for various age groups will be live on the CBC Junior Church channel on Sunday morning.

Evening prayer @ 8pm

Maybe it is easier to concentrate in the evening, after the children are in bed? If you’d like to join a small group, via Zoom, for a couple of Bible readings and to share and receive prayer reach out to Joey, Natalie or use the contact form.

Church opening…

Silhouetted figure in prayer
Individual prayer Mon: 6pm-8pm; Weds: 2pm-4pm; Fri 11am-1pm
Youth Bible Study: Weds 7.15 – 8.45pm

As trailed last week, we will be re-opening the Sanctuary at Priory Street to all within the fellowship and indeed the wider community from this week. There has been a lot of careful consideration put into this and we believe we have done all that we can to reduce the risks of virus transmission. This included removing Bibles from use, so please bring your own. Dan will also start his Wednesday group in person.

We ask that no one with symptoms comes and we will need to record your names and contact details in case someone subsequently displays symptoms and we need to let you know. You can read our full set of precautions including the privacy statement about how to we will keep your personal information safe here.

Love Nations – a WEC event

Steve and Gill were in a WEC prayer meeting this week and heard about an online event to pray for unreached parts of the world. There will be several speakers and a short devotional from the WEC UK director, Malcolm Gray. It is on Friday 10th July from 7.30 to 8.30 pm.

More details can be found here. You need to email the address provided to get the log-in details.

A ‘Better Story’ – supporting prayer and mental health

Our very own Dan (Doherty not Ovens!) has been busy, read more about creating a Better Story through lockdown here.

Coming up…

Many activities happen even while we cannot meet together in person. If you or someone you know is feeling left out, please get in touch via the contact form or call the office.

  • Tuesday evenings at 7pm: Zoom Meetings for junior church children (school years 6,7,8). Please contact either Wendy R or John P (in the directory).
  • Each Wednesday and Sunday at 7pm, Lunn Green will be hosting a live prayer event. This is a great way to feel connected to the wider family at a time when many of us are isolated and under pressure.  Please use this link to connect to the event.
  • Wednesday 7.15 – 8.45pm. Rooted – An opportunity for young people (year 8+) to catch up virtually and dig into the Bible together.
  • Friday 6.30-7.45pm. Connect – An opportunity for year 7’s to connect virtually, play games and dig into the Bible together. 
  • Sunday 7.15 – 8.45pm. Impact – A virtual youth club (year 8+), where the young people can hang out, have fun, & deepen friendships through a range of interactive activities