This week
In-person services continue with increased capacity. Pre-booking is still required but please consider coming if you would like. You can book your family ticket (one per household) here – contact Cathy S. if for any reason you are unable to book.
Please note that:
- you must not attend if you have any Covid symptoms – a new cough, temperature or loss of taste or smell ;
- you must inform us if you receive a positive Covid test within 14 days of attending ;
- distancing rules of 1m plus mask apply.
Sunday Services
- Church on the Screen @10am: If you prefer a more active service rather than simply watching, a warm welcome awaits from Rob and the team.
- COTG are opening for face-face services. All details at:
- Priory Street joint service @10am
- This week worship is led by Joey and Intercessory Prayer by Matt & Kirstyn. Eddie is preaching from Mark 5:1-20
- Midweek Service: The next Midweek Service is this Wednesday, 21st July @2pm
- Junior Church Junior Church continues as a family event. Booking is via Eventbrite and includes all under 5s. The link for this week can be found here
Steve & Gill’s Prayer Letter
Please follow the link here to access a copy of the prayer letter.
For Your Prayers
Our Operations Manager, Tim S., has indicated that he would like to stand down from his current position by the end of the year at the latest. We are very grateful to God for Tim’s service, past and present. Please pray for Tim as he prepares for a new chapter, and for God to guide our church as we review our operational needs going forward.
Leadership Review – How we “do Church”
Since the last review which Tim S. conducted for us several years ago, the Lord has continued to bless us with an increasing membership at CBC and our Leadership Team believe now is a good and appropriate time to conduct a full review of our ministry leadership and “How we do Church”. Ministries have increased in number and size and we want to ensure our ministry leaders are well resourced and supported as well as growing the team and filling some gaps which have become evident over the last few months. As we begin the process of opening up after COVID restrictions are lifted, additional needs are being identified too. As we grow, it becomes ever more important to ensure clarity over who is responsible for what and so Alan C. and Rob P. have been delegated by the Leadership Team to conduct a thorough review of our current arrangements and make recommendations for the future which will be presented initially to the oversight team by early September and to the Church at a Church meeting in mid to late September. In view of that, we have decided to postpone the Church members meeting scheduled for July.
It would be immensely helpful if you feel you have gifts which you could use and are willing to serve the fellowship to make contact with Alan or Rob who would love to meet with you and discuss possible areas where you may be able to use the Gifts God has blessed you with. In particular, the following areas have been highlighted
- Administration and ability to organise
- IT with a focus on “front of Church” presentational skills
- Project Management skills to bring to relatively simple projects
- Finance at any level
- Event Management
If you believe you have any of these gifts at any level, do get in touch or if there is something you believe needs doing and you’re passionate about doing it, let us know!
Contact details for Alan C and Rob P are in the Church Directory (Log in to CBC to access the updated 2021 directory here)
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry Team are hosting a BBQ on Thursday 22nd July at CBC Priory Street in the ‘Hut Garden’, starting at 7:30pm. Do come along and join us for food and fellowship. The team will also be sharing their vision for Men’s Ministry and launching the Autumn Bible Study Series. If you have any questions, please contact either Tom B. or Ian H.. Please click here to book your place. We look forward to seeing you there.
Souper Friday on Facebook
Souper Friday is now in Facebook! We want to reach local people who need support with food parcels, so if you’re on Facebook please ‘like’ the page and engage with the posts via likes/shares/comments. You can find the page here:
If you have any questions about Facebook, feel free to contact Jasmine Warren.”
Activities during lockdown
- Souper Friday continues to reach out to our community and neighbours
- Community Money Advice is handling work remotely, but do get in touch if you are aware of or are having money difficulties ;
- Several small groups meet and share online.
- Youth Groups- Contact Dan for further details
Please send items for next week’s notices to Cathy S by 12 noon on Wednesday