Notices Sun 15th January 2023

Notices for Sunday 15th January

Quick links: Hope Explored | Midweek service | Youth | Church meeting | Women | Safeguarding training | Calendar

Sunday Services

9.15 at Priory Street

Steve B will bring the Word from Matthew 3: 13-17 and worship will be led by Joey. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.

Church on the Green

Join us at 10am in the MOD Community Centre in Rudloe as well as on Zoom. Rob D will bring the Word from Matthew 3: 1-12 and worship will be led by Adrian & Jo. Click here to join on Zoom. Meeting ID: 951 8111 0275 Passcode: 559184

11.15am at Priory Street

Steve B will bring the Word from Matthew 3: 13-17 and worship will be led by David M. Intercessory prayers will be led by Ben W. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.

Hope Explored – Saturday 14th January

Last Saturday’s Hope Explored evening was really encouraging. The next session will be held tomorrow at 7pm at Priory Street. Is there someone you can bring along to introduce them to the Christian message of hope? Places on the course can be reserved via Eventbrite here, using the QR code, or just come along on the night! The final session is on 21st January.

Gathered to Praise – Sunday at 6pm

Our monthly praise service is a lovely opportunity to get together to worship the Lord through song, prayer and testimony. Praise lifts our hearts upwards to God, refocuses our minds and causes the enemy to flee! Please do join us if you can.

Midweek service – Weds 18th January

You are warmly invited to join us at 2pm for our regular midweek service. Rob D will be bringing us God’s word from 1 Cor 15:12-19, and refreshments will be served afterwards.

Magazines needed for Youth ministry

If you have any old magazines at home, we would love to make use of them in the youth ministry (it doesn’t matter what kind of magazine they are). If you can help, please place your old magazines in the box at the back of church or pass to Dan. Thanks.

Church Meeting – Monday 23rd January at 8pm

All who regularly join one of our congregations are welcome to attend our Church Members’ Meeting, even if you aren’t a member. Some of the items to be considered at the meeting are the work that’s required on The Tynings, new Ministry leaders, and an update on the Vision of the church. We encourage all to attend who can. For those genuinely unable to attend, the meeting will be streamed online. Please apply via email to the church office for the link, with a note of why you are unable to attend.

Volunteers needed

Some of the mums and their children who live at the Cotswold Centre would love to come to church on a Sunday morning but have no transport. If you can volunteer to drive the church minibus to bring them to the 11.15 service, please speak to Colin W.

Women’s Bible Study – Monday 30th January

Dear sisters in Christ, we continue on with our studies in James and the lovely Hollie has prepared the attached study notes for us so we can be prepared for our next meeting on 30th January. 

Safeguarding Training – Saturday 11th February

Level 2 9:30-12:30am
Level 3 1:30-4:30pm

Steve Bryant will be delivering the Webnet level 2 and 3 safeguarding training again for us. If you are involved with any children’s/youth work or work with adults at risk at CBC you should be attending a level 2 course every four years. Please note:

  • Volunteers who did the online training in 2021 will need to refresh their training this year.
  • It is Webnet’s preference that volunteers attend their church specific course even if training is provided through other workplaces.

Please could you get in touch with, either to let her know you would like to attend or if you would like to check whether your training has expired. Elspeth will also be in touch with people directly who require the training. Please put the date in your diaries if you can and need to attend. Thanks.

Regular activities

  • Community Money Advice is open for face-to-face meetings each Thursday evening and Friday morning. Do get in touch if you would like help and advice in this area. Pre-booked appointments only.
  • Craft Group: if you enjoy crafting come and join us on the first Saturday of the month (unless otherwise notified) from 10am-12.30pm at Priory Street. Please bring your own craft project to do.
  • Prayer for Missions & the Persecuted Church: the first Tuesday of every month, 7.45pm on Zoom. Contact the office for login details.
  • Women’s Bible Study: we meet on the last Monday every month from 7.30pm.
  • Souper Friday Café: Friday mornings from 9am. Come and enjoy a free drink, cake and soup. Open for help with food items to take away too. Speak to Colin W, Esther A, Joan C or Jo S for more information.
  • Ark Children’s Service: last Saturday of the month 10:30am-12:00pm during term-time only.
  • Mum’s Bible Study: Monday mornings between 9.30am-11.30am (term-time only). For more information speak to Christine C or Vicki K.
  • Toddlers: Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am during term-time only.
  • Life groups meet in person and/or online. Contact us if you’d like to join one.
  • Youth Groups – contact Dan for further details.

Please send items for next week’s notices to Ruth at by 12 noon on Wednesday.