Notices for Sunday 18th June
Quick links: Prayer walk | Gathered to Praise | Midweek service | Combined service | Calendar
Sunday Services
9.15 at Priory Street
Rob D will bring the Word from Romans 1: 1-17 and music will be led by Matt G. Intercessory prayers will be led by Shirley. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.
Church on the Green
Join us at 10am in the MOD Community Centre in Rudloe as well as on Zoom. John P will bring the Word from Matthew 22: 1-14 and music will be led by Dave M. Click here to join on Zoom. Meeting ID: 951 8111 0275 Passcode: 559184
11.15am at Priory Street
Rob D will bring the Word from Romans 1: 1-17 and music will be led by Matt E. Intercessory prayers will be led by Rob P. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.
Our Sunday services at Priory Street are live-streamed/recorded on our YouTube channel. If you would prefer not to appear on screen, you’re advised to sit in or under the balcony.
Prayer walk around Corsham
Please join Rob D as he leads a prayer walk around Corsham tomorrow morning setting off from CBC Priory Street at 8.30am.
Gathered to Praise – Sunday at 6pm
Please come along to our praise service on Sunday at 6pm when we will be able led into worship by David Morrell.
Midweek service – Weds 21st June at 2pm
If you’re free do come along on Wednesday for our fortnightly midweek service. We will be witnessing and celebrating the baptism of Mary F during the service, and refreshments will be served afterwards.
Pledge and Giving Reminder
Following our pledge day in January to balance our finances ahead of our associate pastor joining us in August, a number of pledges are still outstanding to be actioned. If you pledged to increase your giving to support CBC’s work and haven’t yet done so, please consider this a reminder to amend your giving. We recognise that, for some, circumstances will have changed and some pledges may no longer be feasible. If you do not currently give and would like to start, or didn’t pledge and would like to increase your giving, details on how to do this can be found on CBC’s website here:
Every little helps support the activities of the church and makes a real difference. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact Tom L, the CBC treasurer at Thank you.
Sunday 2nd July services
We are excited about the ‘pilot’ combined service for the COTG & 9.15 congregations, to be held at Neston Memorial Hall on 2nd July at 10.30am. There is quite a lot to sort out in terms of tech and setting up the hall. If you’re able to help with setting out chairs before the service (from 8am) please would you let any of the congregational leaders know.
Please know that this is an opportunity to see how this service will work and won’t be seen as a commitment from you to attend this congregation in future.
Please would those who usually attend the 11.15 service note that the start time will also be 10.30am that day.
June Mission Update
This month’s Mission Update leaflet is available to pick up at church. Please grab a copy so that you can be praying for the needs of our mission partners and the persecuted church.
SEN Coordinator needed for Christian school
Our friends at Emmaus School in Trowbridge are seeking a suitable person for this role – for more information and contact details click here.
Regular activities
- Community Money Advice is open for face-to-face meetings each Thursday evening and Friday morning. Do get in touch if you would like help and advice in this area. Pre-booked appointments only.
- Prayer for Missions & the Persecuted Church: the first Tuesday of every month, 7.45pm on Zoom. Contact the office for login details.
- Women’s Bible Study: we meet on the last Monday every month from 7.30pm.
- Souper Friday Café: Friday mornings from 10am-2pm. Come and enjoy a free drink, cake and soup. Open for help with food items to take away too. Speak to Colin W, Esther A, Joan C or Jo S for more information.
- Ark Children’s Service: last Saturday of the month 10:30am-12:00pm during term-time only.
- Mum’s Bible Study: Monday mornings between 9.30am-11.30am (term-time only). For more information speak to Christine C or Vicki K.
- Toddlers: Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am during term-time only.
- FLAGS (Fun Learning About God and Scripture): Wednesdays at 4.30-5.30pm during term time. For Primary School-aged children.
- Hang out: a fun fellowship group for KS2 children, meeting on the second Sunday of the month from 4.00-5.30pm.
- Life groups meet in person and/or online. Contact us if you’d like to join one.
- Youth Groups – contact Dan for further details.
Please send items for next week’s notices to Ruth at by 12 noon on Wednesday.