Notices Sun 29th May

Notices for Sunday 29th May

Quick links: | Sunday Services | Discipleship Explored | Women’s Bible Study | Souper Friday | Men’s ministry | Calendar

Sunday Services

9.15 at Priory Street

Ben F will bring the Word from Exodus 6:28-7:13 and music will be led by Ian & Anne. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.

Church on the Green

Join us at 10am in the MOD Community Centre in Rudloe as well as online. Rob D will bring the Word from Exodus 5:1-6:12. All details are at: Or Join Now.

11.15 at Priory Street

Ben F will bring the Word from Exodus 6:28-7:13 and music will be led by Nathan. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.

The Ark – tomorrow!

Heather and the team look forward to welcoming primary-aged children and their parents on Saturday morning at The Ark from 10.30am-12pm at Priory Street. Join us for songs, crafts, Bible stories and puppets! There’s plenty of space so come along even if you haven’t booked. Your kids are encouraged to bring a cuddly lion with them or even dress up as one! Check out the Facebook page for more information.

Discipleship Explored – Sunday 29th May

Have you ever asked yourself the question, if God forgives all my sin, why does it matter how I live? Come and find out why it matters, in the fourth session of our Discipleship Explored series on Sunday evening at 6pm at Priory Street. All are warmly welcome.

Women’s Bible Study – Monday 30th May

We are excited about meeting together on Monday evening for the next study in our series “Behold Our God”. We will aim to start at 7.30pm and refreshments will be available beforehand.  This month we are looking at John 15 and Hollie will be sharing what God has laid on her heart. We want to encourage meeting together in person but for those who are unable to the Zoom details are below.…
Meeting ID: 859 5953 1179
Passcode: JohnStudy

Souper Friday Café – Jubilee celebration!

Souper Friday will be celebrating the Jubilee! Come along on Friday 3rd June from 9am for refreshments, strawberries and cream, or a yummy cream tea! We’re planning to broadcast the Thanksgiving Service live from St. Paul’s Cathedral!

Joint service on the green – Sunday 5th June

Next Sunday our joint service will be held, God willing, on the green in Rudloe – we will literally be church on the green! We will meet at 11am for a time of open air worship and the Word, to celebrate the Jubilee and glorify our God together! Bring your folding chairs and picnics and stay for a game of rounders! Please pray for this event – for the planning, the weather and that God will draw the community in to worship with us. If you can help as stewards and marshalls please contact John Prior (

Men’s Ministry – Tuesday 14th June

The Men’s Ministry Team invites you to join us at Priory Street on 14th June when Rob Durant will be delivering the final part of his series on cultural issues. This session will focus on Euthanasia. Tea, coffee and doughnuts will be available from 7:30pm.  We hope to see you there.

Opportunities to serve

1. Pam Mitchell has been faithfully leading the Craft Group for many years. She will be stepping aside from leading the group and we are looking for a new person to take over this role. If you feel that could be you, Pam would love to hear from you and talk you through all the details. Please note that June’s craft group will meet on 11th June, not the 4th due to the church being unavailable on that day.

2. Ben Ross would like to let you know that more help is required on the sound desk at the 11.15 services to assist with the streaming. If you or your tech savvy teenagers would like to help, please chat to Ben!

Regular Activities

  • Community Money Advice is open for face-to-face meetings each Thursday evening and Friday morning. Do get in touch if you would like help and advice in this area. Pre-booked appointments only.
  • Craft Group: if you enjoy crafting come and join us on the first Saturday of the month (unless other notified) from 10am-12.30pm at Priory Street. Please bring your own craft project to do.
  • Souper Friday Café: Friday mornings from 9am. Come and and enjoy a free drink, cake and soup. Open for help with food items to take away too. Speak to Colin W, Esther A, Joan C or Jo S for more information.
  • Ark Children’s Service: last Saturday of the month 10:30am-12:00pm during term-time only.
  • Mum’s Bible Study: Monday mornings between 9.30am-11.30am (term-time only). For more information speak to Christine C or Vicki K.
  • Toddlers: Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am during term-time only.
  • Life groups meet in person and/or online. Contact us if you’d like to join one.
  • Youth Groups – contact Dan for further details.

Please send items for next week’s notices to Ruth at by 12 noon on Wednesday.