Preaching God’s Word is an extremely important ministry at Corsham Baptist Church. Our sermons aim to expain and apply the meaning of the Bible to our lives and expose the glorious news of the Gospel message to us all.
You can watch recording of our full services on our Youtube Channel.
Use the below filters to find sermons by preacher, series, topic or book.
Preacher: Rob Durant A demonstration of the Sovereign grace of God in his redemption. He redeems us: By his initiative Over time Gently
Preacher: Rob Durant In the face of serious persecution, how does God call us to act?
Preacher: Rob Durant The second in our series on the book of Acts. Peter and John perform several bold acts: The healing of the crippled man Preaching in the temple…
Preacher: Dan Ovens The blessed man, Something we need not do, and something we should do. A look at sin and how it effects our lives even once we have…
Preacher: Rob Durant A vision of hope A person of hope A message of hope
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