This post by kathylarkman was originally published at GRACE PLACE
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the Law of Christ.” Galations 6:2 NIV
We learned in our bible study last week that praying for one another is commanded in Scripture for the simple reason that God has made us one family in Christ. We bear one another’s burdens and share one another’s joys in prayer. Praying for one another is one aspect of bearing one another’s burdens; how we support one another as family (James 5:16)
In our next one anothering study, we will consider what additional treasures scripture holds about what it is to bear one another’s burdens- the definition, scope, and real life application.
I have been on the receiving end of others bearing my burden of illness this week. Many have brought food, prayed, encouraged, and taken on some of my responsibilities in ministry. I am blessed and love my church family. Amazing. Thank you for being my burden bearers!
Bearing One Another Questions will be out soon. Until then, keep looking to Christ who is our example of what it is to carry each other’s burdens!
Kathy xo