This post by kathylarkman was originally published at GRACE PLACE

It is a wonder and joy when we come to faith in Jesus through the gift of God’s amazing grace. Becoming Christ’s follower, though, is only the beginning! It is also about growing and becoming more like Jesus. It is hard work, and that’s where we can turn from His grace to works and get off track.

In this year’s women’s bible study, we will explore the grace of the gospel which brings us to faith in Christ and is the same grace which motivates us to live out our salvation; how to grow to maturity and holiness in Christ. To help us, we will consider Jesus’ life as he lived out the cycle of God’s grace while on earth.

If you’ve struggled with the Christian disciplines, and have found yourself weary, confused, or burnt out, this study will comfort and challenge you as you learn to rest in God’s grace in your journey to become more like Christ.

Our first study is MONDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER at 7:30pm in the church hall. The hand outs are available in hard copy at the churches and on this website where you click on 2017-2018 LIVING OUT GOD’S GRACE BIBLE STUDY QUESTIONS.  If you need a study buddy or don’t know what one is in this context, please see ANNE HOLMES. The guidelines are also on this website.

We hope to see you there!