2021-2022 BIBLE STUDY!!!

2021-2022 BIBLE STUDY!!!

This post by kathylarkman was originally published at GRACE PLACE

Dear Sisters in Christ

We are about to embark on a new series for our monthly bible studies!  This year we will find ourselves in the gospel of John where we will be digging deeper into the ‘I Am’ statements.

Our first meeting will be Monday 27th September 2021 @ 7.30pm @ CBC

Please find below the first set of study notes prepared by Sharon.  We encourage you to look at the study notes with your study buddy.  If you would like a buddy then please contact Anne H, Victoria K or Christine C.

May you be richly blessed as you look at this first study.

Meanwhile, know that you are loved and prayed for.  We look forward to seeing you all on 27th!

Every Blessing

Women’s Ministry Team

Study Buddy Questions on John 1:1-18

The opening of John’s Gospel is magnificent and soaring and beautiful and astonishing.

It can also be confusing, for all sorts of reasons.

For instance, there are two people called John who speak in verses 1-18, John the Gospel Writer, and John the Baptist (aka John the Witness).

Also, John the Gospel Writer reuses certain words over and over again, adding layers of detail to each one and building a bigger picture of who Jesus is. But this can sometimes feel like a long tangle to unknot.

To help keep this very familiar passage fresh, read the passage aloud together, slowly. One of you can read the words of John the Gospel Writer and the other read John the Witness.

  • John the Gospel Writer: Verses 1-5
  • John the Witness: Verses 6-8
  • John the Gospel Writer: Verses 9-14
  • John the Witness: Verse 15
  • John the Gospel Writer: Verses 16-18

Now read John 1:1-18.

What does this passage reveal about Jesus?

  1. John the Gospel Writer uses a number of key Titles to introduce the Hero of the Gospel – Jesus Christ. What does John teach us about Jesus by pointing out that he is…
    1. the Word (1-5, 14)
    2. the Light (4-5, 9-11)
    3. full of Grace and Truth (14, 16-17)
  2. What two things does John the Witness say about Jesus? (Verses 6-8 and 15)
  3. Where is the name of Jesus first mentioned in John’s Gospel?
    Compare this with Mark chapter 1.
    What sort of impact does John give to Jesus by introducing him as he does?

What does this passage reveal about human nature (and, therefore, me)?

  1. Since only Jesus is like this, as he alone is the One and Only Son, what do verses 4-5, 10-11 and 18 reveal about human nature?
  2. Look back at verses 12-13. Who are the people that are children of God? How can anyone become a child of God?

So what?

Many commentators pick up on two keywords in this passage, which run through the whole Gospel: Word and Witness.

  1. Word: What does it mean to ‘receive’ Jesus, the Word (verses 12-13)? How can you tell if you have or have not ‘received’ him?
  2. Witness: Verse 18 is very clear; no one has ever seen God. Whose witness about God are you listening to? What informs your worldview and picture of God? Where are you going to, to find out the truth about God?


  • Give thanks for who Jesus is. At just the right time, God sent Him to us!
  • Confess when you have rejected the Word-Life-Light-Jesus, hidden in darkness, tried yourself to be Word-Life-Light-Jesus and sought the truth elsewhere.
  • Ask God’s Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth and see Jesus for who he really is. Ask him to help you take hold of him every day, to receive him, to trust him as the one who is full of grace and truth.