This post by kathylarkman was originally published at GRACE PLACE

carry-one-anothers-burden“So we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” 1 Thessalonians 1:8 NIV

Hi Sister Bloggers!

We are considering “carrying each other’s burdens,” this month. Okay, so are you gazing through glazed eyes at all the vast lists of all that needs to be done while trying to read this?  Ironing, reports to file, carpet to hoover, accidents to clean up, overdue phone calls and appointments, carpooling here, there and everywhere….. I can hear you! “Really Kathy, it is great on paper. But please!!!!!!! Enough on my plate! Really can’t share my life at the moment!”

I can commiserate with the best of you in all “our stuff” that is always there in our line of vision. Many of you have little ones and husbands you would like to stay acquainted with….Understand. However, as you are taking a deep breath,  hear me out.  We must challenge our inner tendency to live our lives in isolation, self reliance, checklists, and self justification.   As God’s girls, to carry one another’s burdens is not something which is drudgery. It is a lifestyle given from our Lord as the law of His love.  And it goes both directions.

You know, burden bearing is very similar to disciple making. I read this morning that “it is costly because it demands continuously giving — giving time, giving energy, giving attention, taking initiative, making sacrifices, facing opposition, losing privacy, embracing obscurity, even shedding tears. Carrying each other’s burdens means sharing our own selves (1 Thessalonians 2:8), gladly spending and being spent for the souls of others (2 Corinthians 12:15). It means giving, giving, giving.”

The above quote is to encourage you sister; not to lay a heavy yoke on you that you are not able to carry.  Our Lord gives us everything we need to live for Him!!!!(Matt. 11:28-30) So, I am praying for you “That from God’s unlimited, glorious resources, He would empower you with INNER STRENGTH through His Spirit.” (Eph 3:16) I am praying for YOUR INNER STRENGTH-to fulfil today’s tasks, to cope with today’s challenges,  to bring Christ’s love into someone’s life, to make right choices -choices and priorities that will honour God and build your character; to see life through the lens of Christ, to carry each other’s burdens. And watch what God does in and through you as He answers this prayer!

We are called to be Jesus’ hands and feet; as we grow in HIS love and grace, we want to look more and more like the MESSENGER.  And girls, when we give from the source of STRENGTH which the HOLY SPIRIT empowers us with through GOD’S POWER, there is reward! There is enabling. There is desire. There is growth.  Love and unity and peace will be flying all around! It will invade us and overflow, spilling over into each other’s lives while a hurting, “desperate to find purpose” world watches on.

So hold on sister, living for Christ is an adventure as you share your life with others!

Ever, only all for Him!

Kathy x
