This post by kathylarkman was originally published at GRACE PLACE

Kathy Larkman

Kathy Larkman

We had a wonderful time of study and friendship last Monday as Jill Homersley led us in our final study in Titus: THE GOOD LIFE.

What a blessing it has been! Her summary was very helpful. She encouraged us to read and study the notes over the summer to help get its truths ingrained in us so much that we are living it out in our daily lives more and more! (You can find these on GRACE PLACE at cbcgraceplace.wordpress.com)

At the end of the reflective time, Jill shared openly and honestly her struggle at times with not being able to wrap her mind around the concept of what God’s grace actually is, which is a recurring theme in this book. (Titus 2:11) Jill is not alone, because there was a hum of conversation about this afterwards, and I have received comments from others since. I have certainly experienced this as well, and will again I am sure.

This struggle is part of the enemy’s scheme. (1 Peter 5:8) We have to expect that there is and always will be a spiritual battle going on as we grow in Christ. The enemy is set to confuse and discourage us and get us off course. (Ephesians 6:12) But God is greater and we must hold each other up in prayer and encourage one another to stand firm in the faith (1 Peter 5:9)and remind each other that Christ is in us and interceding for us.(Hebrews 7:25) We look to Christ for strength and perseverance as we wait for our complete redemption when He returns.

A simple definition of God’s grace I have come to appreciate is from John Piper: “God’s grace is the free and sovereign work of God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves even though we don’t deserve it.”

This is something which would be good to memorize, so that when we encounter those “fuzzy, confused moments,” we can say it to ourselves to help to clear the cobwebs away.

God’s grace expresses itself in our personal lives when we accept and believe that God saved us through Jesus-the free and sovereign work of God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves even though we don’t deserve it. God’s grace continues to save us everyday in our daily lives-the free and sovereign work of God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves even though we don’t deserve it- to conform and transform us into Christ’s image. What does this look like on the ground? Here are just a few! Love our enemies, be kind to difficult people, to bear with mundane parts of everyday living, to learn patience and trust that our God is working all the good, the bad, and the ugly-for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28), to know true comfort and hope in this broken world with its injustice, cruelty, greed, selfishness, and rebellion; to know there will be an end to it all when Christ returns. God’s grace is the free and sovereign work of God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves even though we don’t deserve it– to enable us to trust God with our relationships, to cope with heartache and pain in family, church family and friendship dynamics. The thing is, we CAN’T DO ANY OF THIS IN OURSELVES. That is why we need a Saviour and HIS GRACE, the free and sovereign work of God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves even though we don’t deserve it in being able to trust God more and more every day, in every way as we walk with Christ who is IN US.

Do you believe this? My prayer is that we will grasp WHO GOD IS more each day through His word….his heartbeat is in every sentence. His GRACE is part of His character which he pours over us every single moment.