Welcome to the Youth page!
This term we have some incredible plans that you do not want to miss out on.
The youth programme is designed around REACHING young people – introducing them to Jesus, BUILDING young people up in Him, & SENDING young people out as witnesses for Jesus.
The following youth programme is in place for young people of secondary school age (term-time only):

Rooted – These study groups run weekly on Wednesday evenings, and are an opportunity for the young people to come together to eat & check out the Bible’s teaching on different topics relevant to them. We meet at the church 7 – 8.30 pm. The first part given to eating a meal together and then splitting into 11-13 & 14+ groups.
Special Events –
Youth Weekend Away – Giving young people the chance to take time out & have fun through a series of challenges, gatherings & activities, and build deeper relationships with one another & with God through focused times together in prayer, praise & God’s Word.

Summer Camp – Taking young people away on a five-day camp to meet with other young people exploring Christian faith & to encounter God.
Short-Term Mission Trips – We regularly attempt to send young people on mission opportunities. Last summer we sent some young adults on a Community Outreach Week partnering with an AIM church in the midlands. In past years, opportunities have included supporting refugees in Austria; missionary children in Morocco, Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda; health clinics in Thailand & Uganda; relief & development projects in Bangladesh & Mexico; a building project in Tanzania; Mercy Ships; and Children’s projects in Romania, Peterborough & Somerset.
Schools Work – In partnership with local schools & as part of a wider inter-denominational team. We are involved in facilitating weekly lunchtime Christianity Explored groups, so that pupils are given the opportunity to explore the questions they have about Life & Faith, in a number of schools.
At various times through the year, we also run Youth Alpha – A series which explores questions of life, faith & God. Each episode, in this video-based course, looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. It’s for anyone who has questions. Baptism Classes – helping young people explore baptism.

Dan Ovens is our full-time youth pastor & he is helped by an excellent team of volunteers. He would love to hear from you at mastermarsy@hotmail.com if you are interested in joining the youth at CBC or finding out more about what we do.