Preaching God’s Word is an extremely important ministry at Corsham Baptist Church. Our sermons aim to expain and apply the meaning of the Bible to our lives and expose the glorious news of the Gospel message to us all.
You can watch recording of our full services on our Youtube Channel.
Use the below filters to find sermons by preacher, series, topic or book.
Preacher: Graham Culver How Joseph shows us that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Preacher: Graham Culver In our "Bible stories are for grown ups too." A look at the bronze snake that Moses lifted up in the wilderness.
Preacher: Graham Culver In our series on Romans 8. We are constantly reminded of the pain and suffering in our world. How are Christians to think about these things?
Preacher: Graham Culver The Ethiopian Eunuch, Before, How and After. Preached at Baptismal service
Preacher: Rob Durant Continuing our series on passages which point to Christ in the Old Testament.
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