This post by kathylarkman was originally published at GRACE PLACE
“Who am I?
Am I what I do?
Or am I what I have achieved?
Am I the things I’ve done right? Or am I defined by the things I’ve done wrong?
Am I a saint? A sinner? What about what others think of me?
Who am I?
How I identify myself determines how I approach life.
If I am what I do, I will always need to do more and achieve more to find my value. If I am what others say, I’ll always try to please people instead of my heavenly Father.
But if I listen to who GOD says I am and embrace His identity in me, I’ll find the freedom to live out all He has planned for me. And when I see myself the way GOD sees me, I walk with confidence, because I trust the ONE who answers the question, Who am I?” Cleon Alleyne
So think about this: