This post by kathylarkman was originally published at GRACE PLACE

Hi friends!

Hope you are staying cosy in the cold temperatures!

Our next zoom Women’s Bible study is on Monday, 22 February at 7:30. Sharon Durant will be leading us in our study on Jacob.

So, we encourage you to get with your study buddy via phone/zoom/ ? if you haven’t already! Your bible study questions and readings were sent to you by Anne via email. It is also on GRACE PLACE or download a PDF.

I found it to be SO helpful and really amazing to consider our human sinful hearts, the wonders and faithfulness of God, and how it all points to Jesus! All through the narrative of Jacob in the Genesis. Such a treasure.

Don’t miss out! Enjoy your time with Jacob! See you on the 22nd! Save the date!!!

Lots of love and cheering you on,

Women’s Ministry Team x