This post by kathylarkman was originally published at GRACE PLACE
I hope that you have had a chance to read Genesis 12-20:18 as it will help you to follow more easily on the night we have our Women’s Bible Study Zoom meeting on Monday, 30 November at 7:30pm. Watch this space for details on this site and on Facebook’s Captivated.
This is certainly a big stretch of scripture! The story of Abraham’s life follows the basic order of events as they occurred in his life. The stories begin with him relatively young and under the authority of his father, until his father’s death. The story of Abraham reports events in his life and teaches specific lessons. Moses is commonly accepted as the author of Genesis. And Moses’ original audience are the Israelites (approx 450 years between Abraham and Moses’ births to give you an idea of time). As Moses led the Israelites from Egypt toward the Promised Land, the scriptures had much to teach them as they lived their lives—– just as it has much to teach us as we live our lives today. Sisters, there are years and years to glean from these ancient words.
I encourage you to persevere; to know that we don’t have to understand it all completely in one or two gos, but to reiterate one of the aims of this year’s study— that we will increasingly understand the flow and melodic line of God in His Word, and to grasp the Great I AM, and his plan to rescue us, pointing us to Christ.
There are layers upon layers of foreshadowing through God’s people to Christ. So through this process this year, my prayer is that this will be revealed to us so that will know God better and love Him more.
Even through this uncertainty of these Covid times, I look forward to hearing how our relationships with each other and our Lord God are growing deeper, richer, clearer, and joy-filled as we study the revelation of Him through His word! May His purposes will be fulfilled in and through us and we learn to trust Him more!
Lots of love,
Women’s Ministry Team