Notices for Sunday 13 June 2021

Notices for  Sunday 13 June 2021

This week

In-person services continue with increased capacity. Pre-booking is still required but please consider coming if you would like. You can book your family ticket (one per household) here – contact Cathy Simon if for any reason you are unable to book. Please note that tickets for this week’s 10 am service are sold out, so do contact Cathy S. or Tim Stephenson if you have been unable to book at place and we will ensure you have priority for next time. In the event of a positive outcome this week then the candidate will be invited back to preach ‘with a view’.

Please note that:

  • you must not attend if you have any Covid symptoms – a new cough, temperature or loss of taste or smell ;
  • you must inform us if you receive a positive Covid test within 14 days of attending ;
  • distancing rules of 1m plus mask apply.

Sunday Services

  • Church on the Screen @10am: If you prefer a more active service rather than simply watching, a warm welcome awaits from Rob and the team.
  • COTG are opening for face-face services. All details at:
  • Priory Street joint service @10am: ‬
  • Worship is led by Matt E this week and prayers by Gill Bryant.The Senior Pastor candidate will bring us the Word from Mark 4:1-20 . At the time of publishing these notices the 11am Meet & Greet session is now fully booked but there is still plenty of space at the 12:15 slot.
  • Midweek Service: The next Midweek Service is Wednesday 23 June @2pm
  • Junior Church We are delighted to be continuing with Junior Church at CBC as we move into the third event following lock-down. It has been an absolute joy to see the children’s delight in being together again. Junior Church will continue to be a family event, whilst the STRIPE team monitor any additional opportunities that may arise as we eagerly anticipate the governments Stage-4 plan on Monday 14th June- but we must be patient. We look forward to seeing you there on Sunday!! Booking is via Eventbrite and includes all under 5s. The link for this week can be found here

Your Feedback is Needed

Following the visit of a candidate for the Senior Pastor post this weekend we would like to hear any comments/feedback from you. Please contact any member of the SPOT team with your comments; we would really appreciate your feedback. 

Please ensure that we receive your comments by the end of Monday 14th June.

As a reminder the SPOT team members are: Rob Perks, John Prior, Dan Ovens, Rob Durant, Adrian Pillinger, Ian Holmes and Alan Christie.

Baptism Classes

While national restrictions have limited what we can do in church life, God is not limited and can still be seen at work in His people. As a result, we have had some interest in baptism classes.

We currently have a class running and are looking to start a second class in the near future.

Therefore, if this is something that God has been prompting you to consider then please speak to Eddie, Rob or Dan for more information.

Attending classes does not mean you must proceed but will enable you to think through baptism further and consider whether you are ready to take this step of obedience at this time

Ark on the Farm Saturday 26th June 10.30am

A Children’s Service led by the Ark Team from Corsham Baptist Church. This is our final Ark of the school term relocated to a farm field in Castle Combe. 

There is lots of space for social distancing. 

Parking on site and Toilets and hand washing facilities are provided.

Please bring something to sit on and some lunch for a socially distanced picnic.

Book your tickets here

Souper Friday on Facebook

Souper Friday is now in Facebook! We want to reach local people who need support with food parcels, so if you’re on Facebook please ‘like’ the page and engage with the posts via likes/shares/comments. You can find the page here:
If you have any questions about Facebook, feel free to contact Jasmine Warren.”

Activities during lockdown

  • Souper Friday continues to reach out to our community and neighbours
  • Community Money Advice is handling work remotely, but do get in touch if you are aware of or are having money difficulties ;
  • Several small groups meet and share online.
  • Youth Groups- Contact Dan for further details

Please send items for next week’s notices to Cathy Simon and/or Tim Stephenson by 12 noon on Friday