Notices Sun 25th September

Notices for Sunday 25th September

Quick links: The Ark | Word for the World | Women’s Bible Study | Deacon Election | Big Quiz | Harvest Thanksgiving | Mission | Calendar

Sunday Services

9.15 at Priory Street

Rob D will bring the Word from 1 Peter 4:12-19 and worship will be led by Ian & Anne. Intercessory prayers will be led by Cathy S. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.

Church on the Green

Join us at 10am in the MOD Community Centre in Rudloe as well as on Zoom. Matt G will bring the Word from 1 Peter 4:1-11. Click here to join on Zoom. Meeting ID: 951 8111 0275 Passcode: 559184

11.15am at Priory Street

Rob D will bring the Word from 1 Peter 4:12-19 and worship will be led by Matt E. Intercessory prayers will be led by John P. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.

We will be celebrating with the Lewis family at the 11.15 service as their daughter Lyra is dedicated.

The Ark – Saturday 24th Sept

We would love to see you tomorrow at The Ark, a fun and interactive service for primary school-aged children, which will be held at Priory Street from 10.30am-12pm. Join us for songs, crafts, Bible stories and puppets! It’s not too late to reserve a space via Eventbrite – please click here. Check out the Facebook page too for more information.

Cultural Issues – Saturday 24th Sept

The second of Rob D’s talks addressing cultural issues will be held tomorrow at 1.30pm-3pm. This week Rob will be looking at what the Bible says about gender identity.

The Word for the World – Sunday 25th Sept at 6pm

When the Queen was crowned in 1953 she was presented with a Bible and told by the Archbishop of Canterbury: “We present you with this Book, the most valuable thing this world affords.” Did you know that the number of languages in the world which have not a single word of scripture runs into four digits? Isn’t that shocking? Please join Steve Lancaster on Sunday evening at 6pm when he will be sharing about The Word for the World, the ministry he serves, that is translating the Bible into local languages in Africa, Asia and Europe. Come and be inspired, discover reasons to rejoice and areas where prayer is much needed.

Women’s Bible Study – Monday 26th Sept

Dear sisters in Christ, you are warmly invited to join us as we study the book of James this season. James is a punchy book full of examples and commands on how to live as a Christian. The first of our study buddy notes can be found here. We hope that you will be able to join us in person on Monday from 7.30pm. If you’re unable to, Zoom details are provided below:

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 880 7850 5450
Passcode: CBCJames

Midweek service – Weds 28th Sept

Our next fortnightly midweek service will be held on Wednesday 28th September at 2pm, with refreshments afterwards. All warmly welcome! The offerings given during the service will go towards our Harvest gift to Tearfund.

Election of Safeguarding Deacon

We are so thankful to Ian H for temporarily overseeing our safeguarding responsibilities for the last few months. We are now calling for nominations to fill this role long-term, which will be voted on at the next Members’ Meeting on 17th October. Please prayerfully consider who you might nominate (you will need to seek their consent to be nominated) and submit your nomination via the church office before Sunday 9th October. Nomination forms can be found on the table at the back of church.

The Tearfund Big Quiz Night! – Saturday 1st October

You are invited to join us at 7pm on 1st October for an evening of fun and to help raise funds for Tearfund‘s work to eradicate worldwide poverty. Grab some friends to make up a team of 6 – each person should register on Eventbrite here. Tickets are £5 per person and can be paid for on the night. 100% of ticket sales will go to Tearfund. In addition, you can donate to Tearfund via the JustGiving page here, or look out for the QR code posted up around church.

If you are able to help on the night with providing cakes/biscuits, setting up, serving refreshments and clearing away, please speak to Wendy R or Amanda G.

Next Sunday – Harvest Thanksgiving

Please join us at our joint service for all our congregations next Sunday at 10.30am when we will be celebrating God’s goodness and abundant provision for us. This year our Harvest offerings will be used to support the work of Tearfund, so please do pray about how you can contribute towards this.

  • Cash or cheques (made out to Corsham Baptist Church) should be enclosed in one of the brown envelopes marked “Tearfund” that you can pick up from the table at church, and placed in the offering box, or given to Paul G at COTG.
  • Alternatively, simply look for the printed QR code posted up around the church building and scan it with your phone.  This will take you to a JustGiving page where you can make your donation.
  • You may wish to give through Tearfund directly and here is a link to help you do this:

With regard to Gift Aid:

  • If you have a current gift aid declaration and you give through CBC either by cheque or online, then we will automatically reclaim gift aid unless you advise us otherwise.
  • If you give through JustGiving or Tearfund directly, then you will have the opportunity to complete a gift aid declaration online at the time of making your donation.

Harvest gifts of non-perishable food and toiletries will also be gratefully received and distributed to needy families by our Souper Friday team. The following items would be useful: rice, pasta, tinned soup, tea, coffee, cereals, tinned fish, jams etc, and toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste and hand soap are also helpful. Thank you!

Items needed for youth weekend away

Here’s another shout out from Dan who is looking for the following items for the youth weekend away at the end of October:

1. Twister game x3
2. Skateboards x3
3. Old pillows (that you don’t need back!)

Audrey Brown’s special birthday

Many of our congregation will remember Audrey Brown, who used to be a member of CBC. She will be celebrating her 90th birthday on 16th October. There is a card to sign on the table at the back of the church. Please add your greeting if you knew Audrey.

Joint services

The leadership team would like to let you know that our joint services are being reduced in number to three per year – Harvest Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.

Church office closed

Please note that the church office will be closed from Tuesday 27th September to Tuesday 4th October as Ruth will be on holiday. She won’t be checking her emails during that time. 🙂

Regular Activities

  • Community Money Advice is open for face-to-face meetings each Thursday evening and Friday morning. Do get in touch if you would like help and advice in this area. Pre-booked appointments only.
  • Craft Group: if you enjoy crafting come and join us on the first Saturday of the month (unless other notified) from 10am-12.30pm at Priory Street. Please bring your own craft project to do.
  • Prayer for Missions & the Persecuted Church: the first Tuesday of every month, 7.45pm on Zoom. Contact the office for login details.
  • Women’s Bible Study: we meet on the last Monday every month from 7.30pm.
  • Souper Friday Café: Friday mornings from 9am. Come and enjoy a free drink, cake and soup. Open for help with food items to take away too. Speak to Colin W, Esther A, Joan C or Jo S for more information.
  • Ark Children’s Service: last Saturday of the month 10:30am-12:00pm during term-time only.
  • Mum’s Bible Study: Monday mornings between 9.30am-11.30am (term-time only). For more information speak to Christine C or Vicki K.
  • Toddlers: Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am during term-time only.
  • Life groups meet in person and/or online. Contact us if you’d like to join one.
  • Youth Groups – contact Dan for further details.

Please send items for next week’s notices to Ruth at by 12 noon on Wednesday.